The effectiveness of using Inhalation Aromatherapy to relief pain and anxiety in labour care

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Sze PY(1), Wong HMR(1), Li OCA(1), Yip MY(1), Lau NT(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Obstetrics & Gynaecology,Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Aromatherapy is a well-known method for easing labor pain and anxiety. It is known that clients with lower anxiety level would experience less pain during labour and have better infant outcome. Being accredited as a Baby Friendly Hospital in 2021, PYNEH O&G department had introduced inhalation aromatherapy as a non- pharmacological pain relief method during intrapartum period to promote mother- friendly childbirth.
Objectives :
- To provide different types of non-pharmacological pain relief methods for intrapartum clients. - To evaluate the effectiveness of using inhalation aromatherapy in reducing labour pain and anxiety.
Methodology :
A customized training course- “Aromatherapy Certificate Course for health professional- Midwife” was provided for 24 midwives from 7 HA hospitals. Convenience sample of clients who chose Inhalation Aromatherapy from April to August 2022 were recruited. Clients who chose aromatherapy were recruited in the study group (n=75), whereas data of 75 clients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria but did not use aromatherapy were randomly selected as control group. Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), and Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) were used in this study. Clients could choose their preferred essential oil. When applying onto clients, 1ml of 2% essential oil was dripped onto a non-absorbable gauze and attach onto client’s clothing. Pain score was assessed before and 30 minutes after the use of aromatherapy. Data of assessing clients’ perception of aromatherapy, level of anxiety and relaxation by aromatherapy was collected by using satisfaction survey filled in by clients after delivery.
Result & Outcome :
74.7% of clients agree or strongly agree aromatherapy could relieve their anxiety, 77.3% of clients felt more relaxed after using aromatherapy. The pain scores were reduced by using aromatherapy during intrapartum period (p<0.001). Additionally, there is a statistical decrease of using Entonox (p=0.049) and have childbirth without using pharmacological pain relief methods (p=0.033) after using aromatherapy. The duration of the use of Entonox and Epidural analgesia were also statistically shorten among clients who used aromatherapy prior (p=0.010 and p<0.001). Moreover, the perinatal outcome and the condition in fourth stage of labour were not affected by aromatherapy in this trial. Hence, the results in this study proved that aromatherapy is an effective non-pharmacological pain relief method with minimal adverse effect on both mother and infant. Therefore, aromatherapy should become a usual pain relief method during intrapartum period. (statistically significant as P < 0.05)
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