Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwok Y(1), Chu KW(1), Cheung YH(1), Chow CM(2), Man SL(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine, Haven of Hope Hospital, (2)Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, KEC
Introduction :
Team spirit is an important contributor to an establishment of new clinical service. Positive staff engagement can increase staff loyalty and decrease attrition rate. According to Tuckman’s 4 stages of a team formation, including forming, storming, norming, and performing (Denise, 2010), facilitated a development of maturity, ability, relationships, and changes in leadership style. However, combinations of staff from different specialties forming a team are prone to decrease working efficiency. Team alignment is one of the ways to achieve the purpose. On the other hand, it is essential to equip our staff with knowledge and skill to provide quality and safety of care to patients. Therefore, a new strategic staff program, named “Team Treasure Program”, was developed to strengthen staff engagement, team spirit and knowledge in preparing for a new orthopaedic rehabilitation service in Haven of Hope Hospital (HHH).
Objectives :
(1) Team alignment from different areas ; (2) Promote staff engagement and team spirit; (3) Equip staff with orthopedic knowledge and skills, through the “Team Treasure Program”.
Methodology :
The Team Treasure Program was launched in November 2021 before starting a new orthopaedic rehabilitation ward in HHH. Task group was composed of WM and APNs, developing the contents of the program. Total 18 nurses and 11 patient care assistants participated in the program and they went through (1)team building activities (i.e team building day, operational drill and ward routine conference etc) and (2)knowledge and skill training (i.e operational drill and in-house orthopaedic knowledge training workshop). To evaluate the effectiveness of the program, a posttest study design was employed. All participants were required to complete the self-determined questionnaires with 27-question via Google form after the program.
Result & Outcome :
100% of participants took part in the evaluation. No data missing. Around 95% nursing staff ( 27.8% rating 4 while 66.7% rating 5 by 5-point likert scale) and 100% of patient care assistants (53.2% rating 4 while 47.8% rating 5) of participants agreed the program could strengthen staff engagement and team spirit. Besides, 100% of participants (both groups) agreed that the program can strengthen their orthopaedic knowledge and skill. Moreover, 100% of participants agreed operational drills could help building team spirit throughout the program. Lastly, the means score of staff confidence on working in an orthopaedic rehabilitation ward increased from nursing staff: 5.389±2.45 to 8.167±1.19; while patient care assistants: 5.83±2.05 to 8.62±1.02 (scoring from 1(min) to 10(max)). The Team Treasure Program can improve staff engagement, team spirit and knowledge in a new orthopaedic rehabilitation ward. Operation drills could be one of the key elements on the program.