3-months Pilot on Potential Fall Prevention using Smart Activity Sensor in Psychogeriatric Ward of Castle Peak Hospital

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Li YHS(1), Yip KW(1), Lui HK(1) Leung HW(1), Chan CF(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Old Age Psychiatry, Castle Peak Hospital
Introduction :
Fall risk consistently ranks first in the risk register of psychogeriatric in-patient service. Multiple factors, such as physical deterioration, psychotropic medication side effects and cognitive impairment, could contribute to increasing risk of fall. Healthcare professionals are faced with challenges to prevent and reduce in-patients falls. After discussion with the head office innovation laboratory, a collaborative Proof of Concept (POC) project is formulated to introduce a Smart Activity Sensor in in-patient setting in a bid to enhance fall prevention.
Objectives :
• To reduce the occurrence of fall incident in psychogeriatric ward.
• To enhance fall prevention by using smart devices.
• To explore the feasibility of using Smart Activity Sensor in psychiatric in-patient service.
Methodology :
1. Install a Smart Activity Sensor in psychogeriatric ward.
2. Prepare an iPad installed with centralized administrative portal for control.
3. Install a pocket WiFi for the POC project.
4. Brief all ward nurses on the project.
5. Pilot the project for 3-months
Result & Outcome :
No fall incident was recorded during the 3-months pilot. Overwhelmingly positive feedback was received from ward nurses. Fall detection function was successfully tested. Function of Region of Interest could be able to alert staff to early approach patient in defined restricted areas so as to minimize the potential risk of fall. Nevertheless, since the Smart Activity Sensor was a newly designed device, some limitations were found on the software which might not fulfill the practical requirement. Further enhancement was needed.
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