24 Hours Discharge Program on Emergency AROU and Haematuria Admission

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Yu KN, Chan YM, Shiu WLN, Wong MPA, Yau KLH, Law MC, Kwok SC, Liu PL
Affiliation :
Surgical Unit, Caritas Medical Centre
Introduction :
Emergency service capacity have improved by equipping 0.01% more of hospital beds amount HA. However, the demand of the emergency attendants was risen up to 12%. (HA Annual Report 2021-22 2022) Never the less the average length of stay of acute bed is in increasing trend from 6.1 to 6.4 days. (Hospital Authority Annual Report 醫院管理局年報 2020-21 2021) It can be said that the challenge of in-patient service become more critical. AROU and hematuria are the 2 main reasons of urological emergency admission. In order to improve the turnover rate of acute beds, a pilot program of early discharge for these 2 problems was proposed.
Objectives :
1. Shorten hospital stay (early discharge)
2. Relieve pressure on acute beds
3. Consistent care for patient
4. Provide early treatment & investigation
Methodology :
Pilot program was started from 1/4/2021. A urology nurse was assigned to recruit the emergency admissions for AROU and Haematuria into the program. Cases were assessed follow the protocol by Urologist. Designated investigations were suggested and coordinated to achieve early results. Urologist reviewed the cases during ward round and proceed to early discharge. A comparison of Length of Stay within 24 hours of those cases between pre and post implementation of the program through out one-year time (till 31/3/2022) was done.
Result & Outcome :
After implementing the program, around 450 (~50%) emergency cases of AROU and Hematuria were recruited with more than 190 cases (~22%) can be discharged within 24 hours while only 70 (~16%) cases in previous year. The average acute bed utilization was reduced.
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