Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwok MK(1), Tsang SH(1), Yeung MF(1), Wong KW(1), Lau KL(1), Cheung TS(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Intensive Care Unit, Department of Medicine (MSS), Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
People is always the centre of healthcare delivery (HA, 2022; WHO, 2007). ‘People’ shall include but not be limited to patients (HA, 2022). Families are also our focus (HA, 2022; WHO, 2007; Marra et al., 2017). In critical care settings, involvement of family is considerable (Marra et al., 2017).
After patient admission, nursing staff would provide ward orientation to their families. It is aimed at introducing new environment and visiting policies. In the past years, ICU nurses in TKOH provide face-to-face orientation with aid of leaflets and pamphlets. However, face-to-face contact is minimized during COVID-19 outbreak. ‘No-visiting’ policies in Hospital Authority led to a growing concern from relatives. Therefore, an alternative for ward orientation was investigated in ICU/HDU of TKOH.
Nowadays, video was used in overseas hospitals for orientation (Lau et al.,2010; Masui et al., 2010). With the aids of video clips, timely information can be provided to patients and relatives for better understanding towards the transition of patient care delivery (Lau et al., 2010; Scott et al., 2019; Tesmer, 2021). That can increase their satisfaction and reduce anxiety (Lau et al., 2010; Scott et al., 2019; Tesmer, 2021). Video orientation also allows repeated and paper-free access, increasing efficiency and consistency as well as be environmental-friendly.
Objectives :
(1) To produce a video orientation to relatives of TKOH ICU
(2) To promote caring culture in TKOH ICU and establish a mutual relationship with relatives
Methodology :
A 6-minute video for ward orientation in biliteracy and trilingualism was produced by ICU team. Relatives can access the video through QR code-scanning at the front door of ICU.
A pilot phase was conducted during mid-June to late July, 2022 to collect relatives’ comments through e-questionnaire by convenient sampling. The e-questionnaire contained basic demographic information and 8 questions. Relatives for emergency visits and repeated visits were excluded.
Result & Outcome :
89 relatives came to have visits within the pilot period. After excluding relatives for emergency visits and repeated visits, 20 relatives were invited for the study and 16 responses (11 females and 5 males) were obtained.
After having video orientation, relatives expressed positive feedback with regard to achievement of objectives (i.e. making them be more familiar to ward environment and visiting policies) (100%), appropriateness of duration (100%), comprehensiveness (100%), clarity and helpfulness (100%), easiness to access (94%), reduction of anxiety (88%) as well as overall impression (100%). Regarding the last question in the questionnaire for further comments, 1 relative expressed his/her appreciation for the convenience of ward orientation through video-watching.
To sum up, video orientation was welcomed by relatives. It is a promising innovative idea for ward orientation in ICU HDU to improve quality care for patients and their families.