Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee SMJ(1), Mak CHP(1), Wong MOC(1), Yeung TF(1), Tam KH(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Community Psychiatric Service, North Direct Hospital
Introduction :
Impact of COVID-19 contributing to exacerbate stress of caregivers. Studies compared caregivers with non-caregivers holistically reported increased stress and should receive support. Strong evidence exists for using of mindfulness-approach interventions for stress reduction. With influence of COVID-19 epidemic, telehealth was widely used with studies shown that providing nursing care via tele-platform were beneficial to client without access to healthcare units in person. A modified stress reduction program with mindfulness approach by the use of tele-support was conducted to reduce caregivers’ stress during COVID-19 since 2021.
Objectives :
To connect with caregivers through tele-health means, to provide psychoeducation on stress and stress reactions, to train on mindfulness approach stress reduction practices to caregivers and to enhance regular practices on mindfulness.
Methodology :
The program started from August 2021 to May 2022, caregivers of client under community psychiatric nursing service were recruited by convenience sampling. Tele-support together with posting materials with QR code of mindfulness video were provided. They were suggested to practice mindfulness skill using QR code at monthly based for thirty minutes in three months. The program was a pre-test and post-test method. Statistical data analysis would be carried out by Statistical Product and Service Solutions-Version 27 (SPSS), published by IBM in 2020. Data was analyzed using non-parametric method of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, compared mean score of Chinese version of 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) and Chinese version of Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Client Satisfaction Questionnaire were evaluated by post-test method.
Result & Outcome :
17 participants involved, 15 females and 2 males, 0% drop out rate. Average age 60. Mean of DASS 21 pre-intervention was 24.24 with SD=20.86 while mean of DASS 21 post intervention was 22 with SD=21.107, 9.24% reduction. In PSS, mean of PSS pre-intervention was 13 with SD=4.936 while mean of PSS post intervention was 11 with SD=6.285, 15.38% reduction. In Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, DASS 21 score shown decreased trend but has not reached significant result (Z=-0.175, p=0.88). PSS shown significant result after program (Z=-1.995, p=0.046). A mindfulness approach of stress reduction program by the use of video and phone support was effective and feasible in tackling stress among caregivers of mental illness client during COVID-19 epidemic. In the future, external variable like availability of extra support related to stress reduction, the effect of peer support worker and the accuracy of the compliance rate of caregivers practicing mindfulness should take into consideration and control.