Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam HS(1), Law WC(1), Yip SY(1), Ko SM(1)
Affiliation :
(1) NTWC Sterile Services Department
Introduction :
Providing professional and qualitative disinfection and sterilization service is our core commitment in Sterile Services Department (SSD). We believe that training and development is a sustainable measure for our staff to attain and continuously improve knowledge and qualification. Two tiers on-the-job training courses (Tier I & Tier II) are periodically arranged to supporting and management levels SSD staff. Especially, tier II training is designed for the management level including in-house training and external courses, as well as exchange and visit. With the outbreak of COVID-19, not only the external courses were affected, but the in-house sessions were also suspended. With advanced technology, an E-book with videos were developed to facilitate our training under epidemic situation.
Objectives :
The project of E-book aims at providing a systematic learning platform for the staff to acquire knowledge and improve personnel competency. Besides, it promotes a proactive learning culture with insight on continual improvement on sterilization services.
Methodology :
Tier II training have total of 46 topics which divided into six categories, including introduction, water treatment, disinfection, sterilization, financial and management. Firstly, the training materials were retrieved from various file in computer system. The subsequent process was sorting out the latest version and reviewed the content relevancy. Then the materials were formatted into PDF as a textbook with a department documentation code. Finally, the textbook was readily on NTWC SSD server in 3rd quarter of 2021. Meanwhile, training videos were produced as reference materials along with the E-book.
Result & Outcome :
With the creation of E-book and training videos, the training materials were systematically maintained with clear document coding, title and categories in a designated share folder for all level of staff. The E-book not only enhanced the accessibility of the materials, but also optimized learning efficiency and cultivate a proactive learning atmosphere. One more beneficial outcome was continual improvement was achieved since the materials were editable and timely updated.
Staff training and development is a crucial value in SSD. Coupled with E-book and training videos, it helped in minimizing the interruption of epidemic and maintain a quality training curriculum to equip our frontline and management staff with professional knowledge, practical skills and innovative ideas.