A 26-weeks "low carbohydrate, non-ketogenic diet" versus "reduced energy healthful eating" in overweight type 2 diabetic patients with suboptimal glycemic control

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee H (1)(4), Ching KM (1)(4), Wong HY (1)(5), Tsui TL (1)(5), Wong TW (2)(4), Leung JYY (2)(4), Chan WS (3)(4), Kwok KP (3)(4), Chan SW (3)(4), Wong WM (3)(4), Chau TC (1)(5)
Affiliation :
(1)Dietetic Department, (2)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, (3)Nursing Services Division, (4)Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals, (5)Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Weight reduction is a challenging management for the overweight patients with Type 2 diabetes (T2DM). According to American Diabetes Association 2022, there is no single ideal distribution of carbohydrate, protein and fat for people with diabetes. A variety of eating patterns can be considered for the management of type 2 diabetes.
Objectives :
To examine the effects of low carbohydrate non ketogenic diet (LCHO) and reduced calories healthful diet (RCAL) on weight loss and glycemic control in overweight T2DM subjects.
Methodology :
It is a single center 26-weeks patient-selected LCHO versus RCAL in overweight type 2 diabetic patients. LCHO: diet plan contains <30% CHO, lean protein and healthy fat intake. RCAL: Reduce 500kcal from current diet, or a total calorie based on ideal body weight and daily activity. 40-55% CHO, 15-20% from protein, 30-35% from fat. Both groups received 9 individual face-to-face sessions with endocrinologist, dietitian and diabetes nurse specialist for a total of 180 minutes for 26 weeks. Patient filled in food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) at week 0 and week 26. The FFQ consisted of total 126 high fat high sugar foods from 7 food categories: CHO food, protein food, soya bean and products, milk and products, fat and miscellaneous snack.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 45 patient were being recruited to the study. 10 and 13 subjects successfully completed the LCHO and RCAL program respectively. The LCHO group reduced 3.27% body weight and 0.92% HbA1C. The RCAL group reduced 4.29% body weight and 0.58% HbA1C. As reflected in FFQ, both groups recorded nearly 50% reduction of high fat high sugar food during the study period. However, the LCHO group has more defaulted episodes and reported more non-compliance to the diet regime. To conclude, weight reduction plan for patient with diabetes should be tailor made to suit patient’s need. Whether it’s a LCHO or RCAL, whichever matches with patient’s lifestyle will fetch better compliance and hence fruitful results.
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