Authors (including presenting author) :
Sit KLM (1), Au BKM(1), Chan APS(1), Chan YF (1), Lau A(1), Leung WC(1)
Affiliation :
Occupational Therapy Department, Tai Po Hospital
Introduction :
To allow patients and their caregivers for better understanding on the varieties and function of the gerontechnology assistive devices, a Gerontechnology Library was established in the Occupational Therapy Department in Tai Po Hospital. Various types of gerontechnology products were displayed for trial use by patients. Their caregivers could access the electronic product information through the use of QR code generated for each product.
Objectives :
To review the effectiveness of the Gerontechnology Library in enhancing patient’s care
Methodology :
Phase 1: Searching and categorization of gerontechnology products available in the market. Information on the availability, function and price on various products were collected.
Phase 2 : Setting up a Gerontechnology Library with display of various gerontechnology products. QR code which linked to electronic product information was generated. Training on the use of the products were provided to Occupational Therapists.
Phase 3: The gerontechnology products were introduced and trial used by patients and introduced to caregivers before they are discharged home. Satisfaction level of patients and caregivers towards the recommendation of gerontechnology products was evaluated. Staff’s feedback towards the Gerontechnology Library utilization was also reviewed.
Result & Outcome :
A majority of patients and their caregivers who benefited from the Gerontechnology Library showed satisfaction towards the recommendation of gerontechnology products. Caregivers also reflected that the advanced products and relevant caregiver training had significantly improved the ease of caring. All occupational therapists in Tai Po Hospital showed satisfaction towards the Gerontechnology Library, especially in terms of its convenience in recommending relevant products to caregivers or patients. On the whole, the patients and their caregivers were satisfied with the use of the gerontechnology products and the prescription of those products by therapists was enhanced.