A chronic wound care program with application of bacterial fluorescence imaging to improve dressing quality in nursing staffs

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
MAN KH(1)(2), YIK TW(1)(2), CHIN IU(1)(2), YU LF(1)(2), WONG KH(1)(2), WONG KK(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, (2) Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
Bacterial colonization in chronic wounds is a major problem. In 2021, a chronic wound care program using bacterial fluorescence technology enhanced nurses to improve wound dressing outcomes and therefore decrease bioburden in chronic wounds.
Objectives :
(1) To increase dressing quality to reduce bacterial colonization in chronic wounds after the program
Methodology :
A “Pre-test” vs. “Post-test” design with control and experimental group was implemented. Subjects were (1) Nurses in orthopaedic department in KWH (2) Experimental group with chronic wound care program (3) Control group without chronic wound care program. Outcome measures were categorized as: (1) Comparison of fluorescence on wounds after dressing in wound regions between two groups.
Result & Outcome :
From June to September 2021, 26 and 30 nursing staff from orthopaedics in KWH were allocated to control group and experimental group respectively. There were 12.8% (81.3% versus 94.1%, p=0.335, Fisher’s exact test), 48.9% (40% versus 88.9%, p=0.033, Fisher’s exact test) & 42.1% (38.8% versus 80.9%, p=0.01, Fisher’s exact test) improvements after dressing in wound edge & periwound compare with control and experimental group. The usual practice of wound dressing in main wound showed with good outcome from result. Furthermore, wound care program can improve staff’s awareness of bacterial problem in chronic wound which to improve the dressing quality in all regions of wound and decrease bacterial load especially in wound edge and periwound area significantly.
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