Enhancement On Nursing Competency in Tracheostomy Care at Ward A6

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheuk MW(1), Li CY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Ward A6, Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
Introduction :
Tracheostomy is common among clinical settings, especially in respiratory wards. In order to maintain the quality of tracheostomy care, training is needed to enhance the competency of nursing staff. Besides, nursing staff also showed their concerns and questions about tracheostomy care. Therefore, an enhancement program has been initiated in A6 ward to ensure the quality of care and enhance patient safety.
Objectives :
1. To ensure that nursing staff can identify the difference between permanent and temporary tracheostomy.
2. To awake the alertness of nursing staff on the importance of tracheostomy.
3. To enhance competency of nursing staff on management of tracheostomy and the related clinical emergencies.
Methodology :
The program includes theoretical teaching sessions, scenario-based simulation training and evaluation from November 2019 to March 2020:
- Theoretical teaching sessions:
Two theoretical teaching sessions were held and the content is shown as following: Indications of tracheostomy, difference between temporary and permanent tracheostomy, complications of tracheostomy, different types of tracheostomy tubes, quick guide on tracheostomy care, management of tracheostomy-related emergency situations.
- Scenario-based simulation training:
Scenario-based simulation training was held in small classes. Two scenarios were included, which is tube occlusion and tube dislodgment.
- Evaluation:
Knowledge test on tracheostomy care with 10 multiple-choice questions and staff satisfaction survey were performed.
Result & Outcome :
Knowledge Test on Tracheostomy
7 of 10 questions obtained 100% correct. Other 2 of them got more than 70% correct. However, one of the questions only obtained 50% correct.

Staff Satisfaction Survey
100% staff was satisfied, which 75% of them were strongly satisfied the program as a whole.

Conclusion & Recommendation:
Through the evaluation, nursing staff showed good satisfaction rate for this enhancement program. Scenario-based simulation training has enhanced their alertness and competency on management of tracheostomy and related clinical emergencies. But still, improvable results were showed in knowledge test. Therefore, further on-going training will be continued to maintain the quality of care.
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