Enhancing awareness of paediatric oncology patients and families on chemotherapy induced neutropenic fever

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chau CMA(1), Chan ON(1), Tong TYJ (1), Siu PY (1), Wong HT(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Haematology & Oncology Centre, Department of Paediatric, Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Introduction :
Lack of awareness of neutropenic fever in paediatric oncology was one of main factors of delayed clinical emergency admission in Hong Kong Children's Hospital (HKCH), which also increased the risk of serious complications. In order to enhance patients and their families awareness on neutropenic fever and prevent delayed clinical emergency admission, an education programme of neutropenic fever was piloted to the selected paediatric oncology patients and their families in Haematology & Oncology Centre in HKCH.
Objectives :
(1) Enhance knowledge of neutropenic fever in paediatric oncology patients and their families

(2) Increase alertness of early detection on signs and symptoms of infections

(3) Reduce emergency condition related to delay recognition and reporting of fever on admission
Methodology :
The education programme was held from 15th June 2022 to 15th July 2022. An electronic education booklet with 3 animations was created. A QR code with the neutropenic alert card was given to the participants and they could assess the booklet through the QR code. 20 participants were recruited in the pilot study. Individual education sessions were provided to participants afterwards to dispel doubts about the education contents. Pre and post neutropenic fever education assessments and satisfactory survey were conducted for outcome measurement and evaluation.
Result & Outcome :
90% of the participants showed improvement in the knowledge and awareness of neutropenic fever after the education programme. The average score of pre and post knowledge assessment was 8.6/12 and 10.3/12 respectively. From the satisfactory survey, The average score of the satisfactory survey was 4.5/5. All participants found the education materials were useful and suitable for their needs, and they had more confidence in dealing with the fever situation after the programme.

Knowledge and awareness of neutropenic fever are important for paediatric oncology patients and their families to avoid life-threatening situations. The education programme enhance the awareness of neutropenic fever among them and improve patients' medical outcomes in the future.
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