Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan PYK(1), Lo KM(2), Leung KY(1), Louie TMF(1), Lee JSW(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Occupational Therapy, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital,
(2)Department of Medical & Intensive Care Unit, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Introduction :
HKBC and HK-MoCA are common cognitive assessments in Hong Kong. For HK-MoCA, Wong suggested age and education adjusted cutoffs, while Yeung supported a single cutoff with adjustment for low education. For Chiu’s HKBC, a single cutoff was recommended for all.
Objectives :
Examine impact of education & age on dementia diagnosis concordance rates (DDCR) using HKBC & HK-MoCA.
Methodology :
Dementia subjects aged 60 and over underwent HKBC and HK-MoCA
For analysis, subjects were divided into low (0-6 years) or high (>6 years) education subgroups, and 3 age subgroups (60-69, 70-79 and >80). DDCR were compared among education and age subgroups for HKBC and HK-MoCA, using both Wong and Yeung’s cutoffs. The differing cutoffs of HK-MoCA would be referred to as HK-MoCA (Wong) and HK-MoCA (Yeung).
Result & Outcome :
206 subjects were recruited.
Education: The DDCR using HKBC for the low and high education groups were 88% and 80% respectively. Using HK-MoCA (Wong), the DDCR were 59% for both groups. For HK-MoCA (Yeung), the DDCR for the low and high education groups were 91% and 78% respectively. For both HKBC and HK-MoCA (Yeung), the DDCR were higher for lower education groups.
Age: For HKBC, the DDCR for the age subgroups of 60-69, 70-79 and >80 were 69%, 82% and 94% respectively. For HK-MoCA (Wong), the DDCR of the age subgroups of 60-69, 70-79 and >80 were 48%, 55% and 64% respectively. For HK-MoCA (Yeung), the DDCR of the age subgroups of 60-69, 70-79 and >80 were 79%, 81% and 95% respectively. DDCR was increasingly lower with the correspondingly younger age groups using HKBC, MoCA (Wong) and MoCA (Yeung). For the 60-69 age group, only HK-MoCA (Yeung)’s DDCR was >70%.
The overall DDCR for HKBC, HK-MoCA (Wong) and HK-MoCA (Yeung) were 87%, 59% and 89% respectively. Although there are some age and education impact on scores of HKBC and HK-MoCA, data supports that a single cutoff may be sufficient for HKBC and HK-MoCA. The use of HK-MoCA (Yeung) is recommended for subjects aged 60-69 as it yields the highest DDCR.