Authors (including presenting author) :
Lau HM(1), Chui LY(1), Yuen SC(1), Tang PY(1), Wong KY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgery, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
ERAS is an evidence-based protocol designed to achieve early recovery after surgical procedures, it has been implemented in UCH since 2017 in collaboration with multi-disciplines. Nurses are the linchpin in the team, who coordinate, collaborate, and communicate with the multidisciplinary team and patients to provide holistic care.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, numerous training programs have been suspended. Some nurses raise concerns about missing new knowledge for guideline updates, to continuously improve care. As a frontline nurse, staff education is very important. Therefore, we think together, and an education program was launched in December, 2021.
Objectives :
● To sustain professional development in which staffs are motivated and valued
● To keep staff up-to-date regarding the latest information of ERAS program
● To serve as a refresher course for staffs while sharpening their existing knowledge
● To establish a safe working environment of high skill level and knowledge
Methodology :
● All nursing staff in the surgical department were invited to join this staff education program.
● Participants received an educational session with the aid of Power-Point slides and case sharing. A quick book was provided for reference.
● Staff knowledge was measured using a 20-multiple-choice questions test before and after education.
● Evaluating the course effectiveness by using an evaluation form at the end.
Result & Outcome :
Result and Outcome:
1. Total 20 participants attended the educational session.
2. In the pretest, the mean score is 40%, the score ranged from 20% to 85%.
3. In the posttest, the mean score is 90%, the score ranged from 70% to 100%.
4. To analyze the program effects, t-tests were used, posttest knowledge statistically significantly increased from the pretest level (p < 0.0001).
5. 90% of the participants strongly agreed that the course was useful and provided them with new information. It was recommended by all the participants and suggested to conduct regularly.
1. The outcome of this project implies that structured, program-specific training can impact the knowledge of nurses to adhere to implement the ERAS protocol successfully.
2. Nurses must keep abreast of current trends and advancement in health care even under COVID-19 pandemic.