Early collaboration and intervention in antenatal can light up Children’s Life

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lui MY (1), Chan F (3), Macy Chau MC (1), Law LW (1), Lee HK (3), Crystal Li SY (4), Ng SM (1), Alan Tang KL (3), Wong KW (3), Yau CY (3), Symphorosa Chan SC (1)
Corresponding authors: Dr. Dorothy Chan FY (2), Dr. Isabella Wah YM (1)
Acknowledgements: Hong Kong Cheer Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKs, Hong Kong Seng Kung Hui Welfare Council Neo Horizon, Social Welfare Department HKSAR
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology New Territories East Custer (NTEC),
(2) Department of Paediatric NTEC, (3) Department of Psychiatric NTEC, (4) Central Nursing Division of Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH)
Introduction :
Substance abuse during pregnancy has been recognized as a high risk factor of adverse baby outcomes. In 2015-2017 PWH cohort, 95% of the newborn babies who were detected illicit drugs in their urine were arranged foster care to protect them until their mothers completed detoxification. However, the institute care is insufficient to meet their needs, and parent-child separation on children outcome is unmeasurable.
Pregnancy is a crucial moment to motivate substance abuse mother to stop drug; stigma and the fear from custody loss affect their determination.
Early childhood development is very important to human development. NTEC Comprehensive Child Development Service (CCDS) team has implemented a strategy to support mother detoxification during antenatal period since 2018, it aims to light up children’s life.
Objectives :
1) To provide early engagement and support to the mothers
2) To reduce the exposure of illicit drug to fetus.
Methodology :
1) CCDS midwife recruits and engages the mothers to sustain detoxification.
2) Obstetricians monitor the fetal growth by ultrasound scan when illicit drugs were detected in the mothers in order to reduce adverse baby outcome.
3) Psychiatrists provide mental supports to drug induce psychiatric problems.
4) Government and non-government social workers provide tailor-made support individually to start a drug free new life.
5) CCDS Paediatrician conducts an antenatal welfare meeting for difficult cases in sustaining their stop drug plan.
Result & Outcome :
 35 mothers were recruited in 2018, 28 (80%) mothers succeed detoxification during antenatal period. Their babies were saved from the illicit drugs and were discharged home with their mothers.
 32 (91% - including six failed detoxification) mothers and their babies would continue follow up in maternal child health center for five years.
As the multidisciplinary approach programme is effective to support the substance abuse mothers’s detoxification during antenatal period and reduce the fetal exposure to illicit drug, our team would continue the strategy to light up children life.
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