A “Flipped Classroom” for the Newly Recruited Nursing Staff in the Department of Oncology

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee CC, Liu CW
Affiliation :
Department of Oncology, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Training of newly recruited nursing staff is of paramount importance to ensure safe administration of anti-cancer treatment and enhance patient care quality in the department. Therefore, an educational model “Flipped Classroom” was adopted for training to promote the education efficiency and effectiveness. Nurses were advised to go through the pre-recorded course materials before attending the induction program and work on problem-solving during the class.
Objectives :
(1) To promote the education efficiency for newly recruited nursing staff
(2) To enhance staff’s knowledge, awareness and skills in managing hazardous drug spillage
(3) To ensure occupational safety during the management of spillage events
Methodology :
Subjects were 22 newly recruited oncology nurses from United Christian Hospital. A “Pre-test” versus “Post-test” design was adopted. They were instructed to go through the pre-recorded demonstration video and information sheet related to hazardous drug spillage management before the course. During the course, a short quiz and skill-tests with various conditions of spillage event were provided to the participants. The skill-tests also acted as a clinical audit for the participants. Outcome measures: (1) Compliance rate of the clinical audit, (2) Results of “Pre-test” versus “Post-test”, (3) Incidence of occupational exposure to hazardous drug during the spillage events.
Result & Outcome :
In November 2020, 22 subjects were engaged in the course. (1) Clinical audit on spillage management was performed in November 2020 and December 2021 with 100% compliance rate. (2) Improvement of staff’s knowledge was evaluated by “Pre-test”, “Post-test” and “Post-3-months-test”. The mean scores of the three quizzes are 19.82, 28.22 and 24.35 (Total score 30) respectively. (3) No incidence of occupational exposure of hazardous drug was reported since the commencement of the course.

The “Flipped Classroom” saved time for strengthening problem-solving skills. In the program, it was effective to enhance staff’s knowledge and skills in hazardous drug spillage management. The model can be employed in other aspects of nursing training in the future.
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