Unleash Visual Strategies from Experts: Eye-tracking Technology to Enhance Procedural Skills & Knowledge Transfer in Physician Simulation Training

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Tsoi SCT (1)(3), Leung YWN (1)(2), Kwan HYC (4)
Affiliation :
(1) Nethersole Clinical Simulation Training Centre, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
(2) Department of Intensive Care, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
(3) Nursing Services Division, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
(4) Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kowloon Hospital, KCC
Introduction :
Eye-tracking technology is a technology that allows people to see where a person is looking. The unconscious visual and behavioral pattern in performing a task from experts rooted from knowledge, experience and practice distilled, which were tacit knowledge that hard to transfer. Eye tracking technology can reveal the visual strategies to novice behind from the observable behavior. Novice can understand a task by following the tracking gaze from expert and facilitate the skills transfer.
Core Medical Skills Course for Basic Physician Trainees (CMSC-BPT) was developed to enhance bedside procedural skills via different skill stations and scenario-based simulation training. This training course provides structured training to all basic physician trainees and maintains quality in patient care. In the past, the skill transfer was done by demonstration and return demonstration. The understanding of the instructor’s focus area is limited.
Objectives :
To determine if eye-tracking technology can facilitate participants’ learning experience by direct visualizing the instructor’s visual attention in a video laryngoscope-assisted intubation procedure.
Methodology :
An expert trainer wore the device to perform intubation. The visual attention focus of him/her was shown on a screen so that all participants can observe and learn the visual patterns from experts simultaneously. Afterward, all participants proceed to the intubation skills practice session. All participants filled in 6 questions concerning the use of the eye-tracking device in a learning experience with a Likert scale of 6 at the end of the course.
Result & Outcome :
Three classes of CMSC-BPT were held from 7 to 14 August 2021 and 131 doctors completed the training.
Participants showed eye-tracking technology facilitate learning visual attention focus from experts, which was not possible in the traditional method (Mean 5.58), enhancing the understanding in intubation (5.47), a good feedback tool for training (5.51), optimizing the training performance (5.44), enhance overall learning experience (5.5), and recommend the application in medical skills training (5.46).

Eye-tracking technology showed the potential to facilitate novice in understanding the visual strategies of a procedure and enhance the procedural skills transfer.
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