Enhance Nurse Engagement and Learning Experience by Eye Tracking Technology in Ventilator Management Simulation Training Workshop for COVID-19 Pandemic

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Tsoi SCT (1)(3), Leung YWN (1)(2), Ho HSE (1)(4), Wong KMA (4), Chow MC (4), Lo YT (4)
Affiliation :
(1) Nethersole Clinical Simulation Training Centre, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
(2) Department of Intensive Care, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
(3) Nursing Services Division, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
(4) Department of Medicine, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HKEC
Introduction :
Managing ventilator troubleshooting and related emergencies were time-critical and sophisticated. Limited resources in isolation settings for COVID-19 heighten the challenges. Eye-tracking technology demonstrated a new direction in clinical training and debriefing. Related studies in airway management and emergencies management demonstrated unique values in learning and provided new insight in training and debriefing. Differences between novices and experts on gaze behavior and visual strategies were demonstrated.
Objectives :
The use of eye-tracking technology in clinical simulation training were very limited in Asia region. This observational study explores the acceptance and potentials of eye tracking technology in clinical simulation training of clinical emergencies.
Methodology :
Clinical simulation training on essential ventilator management in COVID-19 was organized in Nethersole Clinical Simulation Training Center (NCSTC) with the Department of Medicine. In each scenario, one participant was invited to wear an eye-tracking device on a voluntary basis. The rest of the participants observed the scenario via a 4-screen B-line Medical System, in which one screen showed a first-person view with gaze focus revealed in real-time. Debriefing started immediately after each scenario with related visual strategies and gaze behaviors related to ventilator management and team leadership in confined isolation settings were discussed. All participants filled in 6 questions concerning the use of the eye-tracking device with a Likert scale of 6 at the end of the course. Written comments about the eye-tracking application were freely entered by participants. Comments from trainers from medical domain experts were received.
Result & Outcome :
Two classes were held on 22 Sep 2020 and 24 nurses attended the training. Four participants wore eye-tracking devices. The participants highly rated the learning values of eye-tracking technology in understanding in Crew Resource Management (Mean 5.4); Enhance knowledge transfer in related clinical assessment (5.3) & case management (5.3). They rated eye-tracking technology as a good feedback tool for training (5.3), and enhance overall learning experience (5.5) and recommend the use (5.4). Written comments from participants revealed the technology help immerse into scenario even as observers and visualize the scenario and visual patterns from participants. In the trainers’ perspective, they rated eye-tracking technology is useful for debriefing to understand the action of participants and improve debriefing quality, which is impossible to be achieved by other methods like remote camera or first-person camera. Eye-tracking technology demonstrated unique training values in clinical simulation as good feedback tools for training, enhance the knowledge transfer in clinical assessment and case management by enriching the quality of debriefing. Further studies were validated to explore further application of the technology in other domains in clinical training.
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