Authors (including presenting author) :
Law SN (1), Wong SY (1), Lee CC (1), Leung KH (1), Liu CW (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Oncology, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Insertion of central venous catheter have the advantage of minimising pain from repeated peripheral vein puncture and hence protect the veins. Central venous catheter (PICC/Port-A-cath) are widely used in medium- and long-term intravenous infusion in chemotherapy patients. In 2021, there are 40% increase of insertion for those central venous catheters within Department of Oncology. Therefore, two educational pamphlets (PICC/Port-A-cath respectively) were designed by oncology nurses and the effectiveness of educational pamphlets has been evaluated.
Objectives :
1. To lower stress for patients who required insertion of central venous catheter for chemotherapy 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of educational pamphlets 3. To explore the stress level of patients before and post-procedure 4. To enhance patient’s empowerment 5. To educate patients of caring their central venous catheter
Methodology :
Patients who successfully inserted central venous catheter will be enrolled to our study using convenience sampling. After received referral from doctors, trained nurses will approach to patients by face-to-face interview. Contents of pamphlet have been introduced including introduction of central venous catheter, complications, care of central venous catheter as well as helping hotline. During interview, stress level has been evaluated using Likert 5-point scale. When patients agreed for the insertion procedure, patients will be referred to doctors for informed consent and operation. After insertion procedure, trained nurse will be responsible for flushing and patient care. One month after insertion procedure, the nurse will conduct another face-to-face or phone interview to evaluate post-procedural stress level, satisfaction level and render patient education regarding prevention of complications.
Result & Outcome :
Fourteen patients have been enrolled in our study with 94% response rate (7% being illiterate). Mean age was 47.8 years (38-76). 97% of patients agreed that educational pamphlets clearly rendered relevant information about insertion of central venous catheter. The stress level has been significantly reduced after insertion of central venous catheter (4.01 vs. 2.56). Besides, the satisfaction level about insertion of central venous catheter has been recorded (Mean 4.32). It is worth noticing patients are satisfactory on patient education by nurse (Mean 4.46) and short waiting time for insertion of central venous catheter (Mean 4.01). The result showed that educational pamphlets improved patient’s satisfaction and did not reduce retention of central venous catheter related information. We are planning to provide educational videos with AR features in the future to enhance patient’ satisfaction.