A Preceptee Centered Orientation Program Shorten the Gap Towards Surgical Specialty Nurse

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Li HY, Hui YK, Lee SL, Yeung PS, Wong TC, Yip HY, Au LT, Wong KY
Affiliation :
Department of Surgery, UCH
Introduction :
Surgical Department is a challenging and demanding specialty. A tailor-made orientation program will help preceptees to overcome hurdles during their transition to surgical stream. Currently preceptee on second rotation have basic nursing skills. In order to facilitate their early adaptation, a specialty-based orientation program with close reference to patient journey has been newly developed helping them to apprehend their duties and expected performance in their coming rotation.
Objectives :
1) To arouse the preceptees’ interest in surgery
2) To equip with better clinical reasoning to handle daily challenges
3) To facilitate critical thinking in the clinical judgment
4) To broaden their vision in career pathway
Methodology :
All subjects of the second-year or above preceptees rotated to surgery are being recruited.

Before each training session, a pre-test on clinical knowledge of specific topic will be conducted. All sessions will be carried out by various surgical expertise, including Nurse Consultant, Cancer Case Manager, Enhance Recovery After Surgery Nurse, Specialty Advisory Group Member, and experienced Clinical Teachers. Furthermore, a post-test on the same clinical knowledge together with an overall evaluation are held at the end of each session.

Outcome measures were categorized as clinical knowledge and satisfaction survey
Result & Outcome :
Total 8 preceptees were participated in the Surgical Orientation Program 2021. The average scores of all the pre-tests were 0.25 – 3.83 (full mark is 5) while the average scores of all the post-test were 3.25 – 4.6 (full mark is 5), which showed there was an increase of 15% to 170% in clinical knowledge.

For the satisfaction survey, all preceptees agreed or strongly agreed on the following items:
i) the course had achieved its stated objectives;
ii) materials had been presented clearly;
iii) method of teaching had ensured maximum learning;
iv) the course was well-organized and
v) training was practical for use in workplace.

In short, preceptees found the training fruitful and practical while the contents were easy to understand, comprehensive and clear which had enriched their clinical and managerial knowledge. Also, the sharing of different surgery sub-specialists on their expertise roles had also helped them to consider developing their career in surgical.

In conclusion, a tailor-made specialty-based orientation program with close reference to patient journey can ease the preceptees’ stress in new specialty and facilitate them to adapt to the new working environment.
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