Authors (including presenting author) :
Winnie H.W. Lau (1), Grace W. K. Choi (1), Dawn W. F. Poon (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Occupational Therapy, Prince of Wales of Hospital
Introduction :
Number of patients with cognitive impairment increases significantly with ageing population, which increases burden of their caregivers. There is inconsistency among research on the association between patient-related and caregiver-related factors with caregiver burden, with sacred studies in Hong Kong.
Objectives :
This study aims at investigating (1) Association between patient-related factors (in terms of (i) cognitive function, (ii) presence of ADL, IADL deficits, cognition and neuropsychiatric symptoms as indicated by caregiver) with caregiver burden; and (2) Association between caregiver-related factors (in terms of (i) relationship between patient and caregiver, (ii) time spent on taking care of patients, (iii) caregivers’ knowledge on cognitive impairment) with caregiver burden.
Methodology :
A total of 34 patients and their respective primary caregivers were recruited in the study via convenience sampling. Hong Kong Montreal Cognitive Assessment was used to assess patients' cognition. Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Scale and Zarit Burden Interview were used to assess caregivers' knowledge towards cognitive impairment and their caregiving burden respectively. A questionnaire was designed to collect information on the relationship between patient and caregiver, time spent on taking care of patients and patients’ area of deficits shown.
Result & Outcome :
Pearson's Correlation Analysis was used to test for association between various factors with caregiver burden. Among the patient-related factors, presence of ADL deficits (r = 0.533), cognitive deficits (r = 0.368) and neuropsychiatric deficits (r = 0.391), was found significantly positively correlated with ZBI independently (All ρs < 0.05). Only the presence of ADL deficits remained as predictor of caregiver burden in Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis (β = 16.617, ρ < 0.01). For the caregiver-related factors, being a full time caregiver was the only factor to significantly correlate with increased caregiver burden (r = 0.427; ρ < 0.05). No significant correlation was found between relationship of patient and caregiver, and caregivers' knowledge on cognitive impairment with caregiver burden respectively. Therefore, the integration of ADL skills training and introduction of community services are important in relieving caregiver burden by improving caregivers’ skills in assisting patients during ADL and reducing the intensity of caregiver stress. A longitudinal study with larger sample size is also suggested to explore the progression of disease with caregiver burden in Hong Kong.