To visualize the extensive of bio-burden in chronic wound: a clinical exploration with the use of bacterial fluorescence technology

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
MAN KH(1)(2), YIK TW(1)(2), CHIN IU(1)(2), YU LF(1)(2), WONG KH(1)(2), WONG KK(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, (2) Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
Fluorescence is a new method to detect bacterial growth on wound in real-time. Positive fluorescence signals in chronic wounds are found not only on main wound, but also on wound edge and periwound from clinical observation.
Objectives :
(1) To understand the extensive of bacterial colonization in chronic wound (2) To explore the severity of colonization in different wound regions including main wound, wound edge and periwound
Methodology :
A Chronic wound survey was conducted in orthopaedic in Kwong Wah Hospital. Subjects were (1) Hospitalized patients with chronic wound. Outcome measures were (1) Positive fluorescence signal on chronic wound (2) Distribution of fluorescence signal on main wound, wound edge and periwound.
Result & Outcome :
From March to June in 2021, 30 cases were recruited. 90% (27 cases) were fluorescence positive. 53.3% (16 cases) on main wound and wound edge and 73.3% (22 cases) on periwound were fluorescence positive. These results are comparable to recent literature which the positive fluorescence result in average of chronic wound, main wound and periwound were 77.4%, 51% & 81% respectively. High bacterial burden was found in chronic wound especially in the region of periwound. The concern of periwound skin hygiene and the prevention of potential risk of cross-contamination between surrounding skin and wound should be aroused and reinforced.
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