A Smart and Integrated Model of Patient Preoperative Checking: Patient Verification System (PVS) and Modified Patient Preoperative Checking Guide

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong WT(1), Wong MN(1), Lau HC(1), Kwok TK(1), Au Yeung KN(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine & Operating Services, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
In operation room, a streamlined and precise patient checking could maintain the patient safety through perioperative journey and enhance the case’s efficiency. Hence , new integrated model of patient checking was implemented in May 2021. This model is combined with a smart mobile tablet device -Patient Verification System (PVS) and a modified Patient Preoperative Checking guide. The Patient Verification System (PVS) is an enhanced module that is attached with Perioperative Nursing Information System (PNIS). The system provides an essential and preliminary patient identity verification. Modified Patient Preoperative Checking is a revised guide regarding outbreak of pandemic COVID-19 and new health care circumstances.
Objectives :
For Patient verification:
1. To provide a enhanced patient verification in preoperative phase by using smart device

For Patient preoperative checking:
1. To provide an efficient and streamlined checking guide
2. To provide early safety guard to patient and health care provider
Methodology :
Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle:

1. Identify the clinical gap regarding outbreak of pandemic COVID-19 in preoperative patient checking
2. Explore any reliable and assistance technology in helping patient identification

1. Explore the use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) in patient checking with local health care technology company
2. Implement the OCR feather in PNIS (Preoperative Nursing Information System) and develop the new PVS (Patient Verification System)
3. Review and modify the existing patient checking checklist

1. Performing Patient preoperative checking audit to Nursing staff and supporting staff who is responsible for patient checking
2. Establish a team for regular spot checking, compliance audit and administration work of PVS

1. In service training to all nursing staff and supporting staff about PVS and modified Patient Preoperative checking guide
2. Implement the PVS checking in all elective inpatient cases
3. Implement the Preoperative patient checking guide in all elective and emergency cases
4. Modify the new nursing staff and supporting staff orientation program by using Patient Preoperative checking guide
Result & Outcome :
Outcome for PVS:
1. 100% of utilization in day-time inpatient elective cases.
2. No wrong patient verification in preoperative phase
3. No wrong threater-in of patient

Outcome for "Modified Patient Preoperative Checking in OR":
1. The overall compliance rate of nursing staff was 99.3%,
2. The overall compliance rate of supporting staff was 99.4%
3. No missing checking in the list after the new checking start
4. No missing isolation theatre arrangement after the new checking start

Future development for Patient verification:
1. Develop a new model of PVS for the eConsent implementation
2. Combined the PVS in preoperative checklist
3. Expand the patient verification to ward setting

Future development for patient preoperative checking:
1. Annually repeat the audit in order to maintain the checking standard
2. Regular audit report will be shared in OR staff meeting
3. Implement the modified patient checking guide in nursing and supporting staff orientation program
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