Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong KC, Leung YY, Ip WM, Yue SY, Lau M
Affiliation :
Department of Occupational Therapy, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Employee attrition rate has been worrying in Hospital Authority in recent years; similar human resource challenge was also faced by the Occupational Therapy Department in Shatin Hospital. Since 2018, there has been a turnover of 43% of therapists due to promotion (79%), transfer of hospital (11%), retirement (5%) and emigration (5%). Average years of experience of Occupational Therapists II had dropped from 8.8 years in 2018 to 1.8 years by the end of 2021. Moreover, as supporting staff with technical capabilities gradually retired, there was a loss of skills for facilitating patient management. Numerous studies and reviews have suggested that a properly-planned induction to new recruits boosts team morale, enhances work performance and promotes staff retention. Holding the value that a good start is significant for new colleagues, a team was established with designated person to arrange structured programmes for and attend to the fresh comers.
Objectives :
To empower junior staff to become integrated and contributing teammates promptly. To maintain quality service under high attrition rate.
Methodology :
Staff-centered induction programmes were designed for both therapists and supporting staff. Content and timeline of programmes were tailored for their respective work nature and expected work load, and were regularly modified referencing to feedback from new recruits of previous years. Content focus: 1. Relationship & sense of belonging (welcoming, orientation to department, buddy assignation) 2. Quality and Safety (drills and audits on fall, deteriorating condition of patient, infection control, OSH) 3. Practicum I. For therapists: i. clinical teams attachment ii. skills and programmes introduction for common clinical conditions iii. systemic classes with hands-on practice coached by senior staff II. For supporting staff: i. equipment setting and patient handling skills ii. specific technical skills training (sewing, woodwork, metalwork) from skilled colleagues iii. use of IT systems adopted in daily routine Programme features: 1. Standardized for staff of the same grade 2. Progressive over the year with scheduled timeline 3. Interactive classes emphasizing practicum, sharing & feedback 4. Delivered by senior specialists on the topic area instead of own supervisor alone
Result & Outcome :
1. 18 therapists and 6 supporting staff received the induction programme from 2019-2021 2. Participants’ feedback (5-point scale) i. scored 4.56 on usefulness ii. scored 4.65 on frequency & duration iii. scored 4.68 on overall satisfaction 3. Therapist clinical progress notes audits: compliancy rate over 90% 4. Senior audits and rounds: average 3 times per therapist 5. Supporting staff practical & skills test: 100% pass