Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung CFM (1), So WS (1), Ku WNH (1), Kong SBB (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Yan Chai Hospital
Introduction :
Hip fractures are common serious fracture with increasing occurrence along with the aging population which leads to a remarkable deterioration in functional independence of the patients. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, post-discharge rehabilitation service was seriously affected. This influenced both physical and psychological competence of patients and thus reducing their quality of life. Tele-rehabilitation, a comparable treatment option to overcome the limitation of traditional rehabilitation during the pandemic4, was adopted in post-discharge rehabilitation service in Occupational therapy department (OT), YCH.
Objectives :
1.To develop a hybrid OT tele-rehabilitation program for patients with hip fracture
2.To evaluate the effectiveness of the program in ADL performance, physical function of patients
3.To evaluate patient’s and caregivers’ satisfaction to the program
Methodology :
Between Sep/2021 and Nov/2021, patients who were discharged from orthopedic ward, YCH with the following criteria (1) recent hip fracture (2) discharge to home with available daytime caregiver (3) Modified Barthel Index >50 upon discharge were invited to join this program in OPD. Total 7 sessions were included: (1) four sessions of face-to-face rehabilitation training and fall prevention education (2) two tele-rehabilitation sessions by eRehab function in HA Go and WhatsApp (3) one phone follow-up session to enhance the adherence to home program. Pre- and post- ADL performance and physical function of patients were analyzed. The satisfaction of patient and their caregiver’s were also evaluated.
Result & Outcome :
Six patients and their caregivers agreed to join the program. Four of them completed the program. Most of the patients completed home program via eRehab. There was a significant improvement in patient’s ADL functions and physical performance after the program. All participants were satisfied with the hybrid OT tele-rehabilitation program.
The Hybrid OT Tele-rehabilitation program was effective in improving the ADL and physical performance of patients with hip fracture and facilitate home rehabilitation. This new model could be further applied in other patient groups to increase the service efficiency in OT.