Enhanced Fall prevention care pathway for elderly

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Tsang SWR(1), Chan WCI(2), Chan PL(3)
Affiliation :
(1)(2)(3)Physiotherapy Department, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
One in Five Community-dwelling elders aged 65 and above fall every year, the proportions rise to 32-42% over 70 years old. Fall prevention program is well known to be effectively reducing fall rate, however, it is not uncommon to find elderly readmit to hospital due to repeated fall. Most of the inpatient fall prevention program last for 2 weeks or less, despites 8 to 12 weeks’ program were suggested to be effective in studies. A new care pathway focusing on patients with fall were introduced, in which they can continue rehabilitation journey from inpatient to community seamlessly
Objectives :
Enhanced fall prevention program and optimize patients care pathway to improve clinical outcomes and prolong the effectiveness of training from hospital to community so as to reduce re-admission due to fall.
Methodology :
1) Enhanced inpatient fall prevention program in Shatin Hospital by using advanced training technologies for balance, mobility and functional training.
2) Consolidate patient care pathway upon discharge to Geriatric Day Hospital and liaise with Community Outreach Service Team (COST) physiotherapist in Prince of Wales Hospital for continuation of community services and facilitate medical-social collaboration with local community centers.
Result & Outcome :
Data were collected from Mar2021 to Aug2021, 20 patients were recruited.
By using advanced training technologies, patients were found to have significant improvement in balance, ambulation and functional mobility when compare pre and post outcome measures including Modified Functional Ambulation Classification, Berg’s Balance Score, Timed up and go test and Tinetti score.
Elderly patients, who were referred to Geriatric Day Hospital to continue training program, were also found to have significant improvement in balance, ambulation and functional mobility. Effectiveness of the training program were maintained.
As this is an on-going program, further data analysis on program effectiveness involving COST team service and the long term effect of the program will be analyzed in the future.
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