Development of a 3D-printed renal connection devices for patient on self-care peritoneal dialysis in Yan Chai Hospital

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
So WS, Kong SBB, Po YT, Chan ICH
Affiliation :
Occupational Therapy Department, Yan Chai Hospital
Introduction :
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a commonly used renal replacement therapy for patient with end-stage renal failure. Peritonitis can be resulted by poor connection technique. Occupational therapists in YCH had been prescribing handmade renal connection assistive devices for patients to minimize risk of contamination since 2016. The design and material used have been being enhanced over the years. 3D printing technology was utilized to modernize the production of devices in 2021.
Objectives :
1. To illustrate the process of design, adjustment and printing of devices using 3D printing technology
2. To compare the 3D-printed devices with traditional renal connection devices
Methodology :
Traditional renal connection devices were used as reference for measurement and design of the three-dimensional (3D) model. TinkerCAD, a free web-based computer aided design tool, and MeshMixer, a free Autodesk program, were used in creating the 3D model. Cura, an open source slicing application, was used to slice the model and set parameter for printing. Ultimaker S5 was used in printing the renal connection assistive devices. The material cost, time cost, qualitative parameters were compared.
Result & Outcome :
The traditional renal connection devices were made by acrylic plastic, splinting material and aluminum while the 3D-printed devices were made by polylactic acid. Comparing 3D printing to traditional handmade method, the material cost was reduced by 60% and fabrication day was reduced by 50%. Hence, patient’s waiting time of receiving the devices was shortened. Occupational therapists and assistants could reserve more time on training to patient and optimize their performance in connection. Additionally, since the material color of the devices can be adjusted, therapist could prescribe the devices with different color contrast for patients with visual impairment.

In conclusion, 3D printing technology provides a more consistent service and production of renal connection devices. Higher flexibility in adjustment of the model and printing parameter can be achieved. Prospectively, 3D printing technology can be further utilized to enhance occupational therapy service of assistive device prescription.
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