Application of electronic poster(e-Poster) in Princess Margaret Hospital

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Suen SM(1), Tang C(1), Chow C(1),Lau SH(2),Lai TW(3), Tong KM (4), Ku T(4),Ng L(4)
Affiliation :
1.Central Nursing Division, Princess Margaret Hospital, (2) Quality & Safety Department, KWC Cluster Manager (3) KWC Planning & Commissioning Team, (4)Information & Technology Department,Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Electronic Poster(e-Poster) has been widely applied in different institutions to enhance the range and display of the content, improve audience engagement and ensure updated presentation of information provided. In order to support smart hospital and increase work efficiency, a customizable e-Poster system was adopted in Princess Margaret Hospital(PMH) for displaying hospital information and patient education information
Objectives :
To provide hospital information and patient education through customized electronic display system
Methodology :
A hospital e-Poster task force was formed in PMH July 2020 to coordinate the infrastructure set up and content monitoring. To eliminate conventional paper posters, the e-Poster systems were installed at eye-catching areas such as lobby of each clinical wards. Video clips and running captions were incorporated into the digital posters. Multiple-page presentations were uploaded with preset timer to ensure automatic display and minimal manual inputs. By employing different modes of presentation, a standardized display format with unique information were presented in different sites. Information like hospital service, infection control practices and patient education were displayed. For department and specialty guidelines, QR codes were generated by individual departments to replace the conventional paper pamphlets. Thus, paperless and environmental-friendly were achieved. Since information were presented digitally in the e-poster system which looks more professional and interesting to patients, relatives and visitors. The multi-screen design also allowed to display more information simultaneously. In addition, both in-patient and out-patient departments in PMH had adopted e-Poster which could conserve resources and space constraints. In summary, application of e-Poster system helps save resources, increases work efficiency and hence towards the optimal goal of smart hospital.
Result & Outcome :
A cross-sectional study evaluation form for staff and visitors on e-Poster was designed with numeric scale questions from 1 to 5 in which ‘1’ was indicated as strongly disagree and ‘5’ as strongly agree. 60 nursing staff and 25 visitors’ responses were collected during the period from 1st September 2021 to 31st October 2021. Staff and visitors’ satisfactory rates on the application of e-Poster were 89% and 84% respectively. Moreover, 90% of staff and 84% of visitors agreed the materials displayed in e-Poster could provide clear and quick access to up-to-dated hospital information at appropriate locations, which met patients’ needs in an environmental-friendly way. Since QR codes were generated by individual departments to replace hard copies of education pamphlets, around 30,000 preprinted pamphlets were saved in 2021.
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