Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan YT, Wong SM, Tsang MP, Lau FO, Lo TM
Affiliation :
Physiotherapy Department, Tai Po Hospital
Introduction :
With the successful launch of digital systems like HR App and HA Chat, workplace operations have never been easier. Leave taking procedure and approval can be done at fingertips. Staff have been granted access to the systems regardless of time and distance barriers, with reliable and rapid communication. Tai Po Hospital Physiotherapy Department (TPHPT), like most of the HA departments, relied on traditional face-to-face and paper-based communication for in-house administrative routines. Manpower allocation can be challenging with distant working venues and rising staff count. With advanced ready-to-use cloud applications, TPHPT went “from Paper to Finger” - a set of innovative paperless communication tools for leave taking and roster planning was developed.
Objectives :
To attain quality communication in Digital Workplace with higher (1) efficiency, (2) accessibility, (3) accuracy and (4) sustainability, via cloud applications.
Methodology :
The project consists of four phases. Exploration Phase (2-month). Review traditional communication means (printed department calendars, leave booking forms and holiday duty roster tables). Explore available and affordable technical resources (Software: Google Calendar and Google Sheets; Hardware: Interactive Flat Panel). Transformation Phase (1-month). Design and establish paperless Leave Taking/Booking System and Holiday Duty Roster System with Google cloud-based applications. Initial Implementation Phase (1-month). Introduce the new systems. Engage staff via Induction Sessions and modify upon feedback. Both conventional and new systems are parallelly implemented for operational backup. Full Implementation. Deploy the new systems. Regular monitoring and maintenance by clerical staff.
Result & Outcome :
The project was implemented in 3Q/2021, with Full Implementation from 4Q/2021. Communication efficiency and accessibility are improved. Instead of viewing and amending the calendar or roster at the main office, staff can now access the online systems with any smart devices, anywhere and anytime. Communication accuracy is enhanced. No more mis-calculations or hand-writing issues. Automated formulations and customised colour guides were designed to prevent entry errors and to ensure pleasant user experience. Communication is sustainable and independent of environmental and personal factors. Administrative staff are informed of every leave booking with notifications. Digitised amendment logs are available for record keeping and dispute handling. Staff showed capability in adapting the new systems in Induction Sessions. New features including easy viewing and monitoring were welcomed and satisfied by clinical and administrative staff. Through developing paperless communication tools with cloud applications in the construct of Digital Workplace, quality communication among staff was reassured in TPHPT, with higher efficiency, accessibility, accuracy and sustainability.