Authors (including presenting author) :
NG SHW(1),Leung AKY(1), Louie FTM(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, Hong Kong
Introduction :
The Hospital Authority (HA) mobile application ‘HA Go’ is a mobile platform designed to enhance patient experience in the overall healthcare journey. Traditionally, therapists conduct weekly home visit for patients with fall risk and implement Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercises (LiFE) program. It aimed to reduce fall and improve functioning by embedding activities that improve balance and strength into patient’s daily tasks and routine. Paper form “Activity planner” and “Activity Counter” were used to record patients’ progress and reinforce the activity. Starting from June 2021, community-based rehabilitation activities are available in HA Go so that patients can perform rehabilitation exercises with therapists’ prescription through HA Go. Patients can receive push notification, view training video daily and being reminded to perform LiFE activities. Therapists can monitor patient’s progress and upgrade activities in Clinical Management System in a paperless way.
Objectives :
This study is to evaluate effectiveness on use of HA Go in monitoring and encouraging patient in community-based fall prevention program.
Methodology :
Patients with fall risk under medical-social collaboration program were recruited from July to December 2021. Inclusion criteria included MoCA-5min scored above 16th percentile cut off or with caregiver available, able to use smart phone and accessible to internet. Community occupational therapist provided around 8 weekly home visits for fall prevention LiFE program. Instead of paper form record sheet, therapist educated patients to use HA go app for recording LiFE activity. Demographic data, compliance rate to LiFE activities, number of training video prescription and patient’s comments were collected.
Result & Outcome :
Total Seven patients with mean age 66.7 years old (Range: 60-74 years old) were recruited and completed at least 4 weeks LiFE training with HA go tele-monitoring. 39 training videos were prescribed during the study period. The average compliance rate to LiFE activity with HA Go is 57%. Patients commented that HA Go training video provided a reference and an alarm function for them to perform rehabilitation. However, those videos were not tailor-designed to match individual patient’s daily function and home environment. Live demonstration from therapists cannot be replaced. To conclude, HA Go app can assist therapists to monitor patient’s rehab progress, connect patients beyond hospital care and empower them to manage own health and care in community.