Hong Kong Infection Control Centre (HKICC) Crash Program

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
MAN HY(1), PUN KF(2), WAN CK(3), CHAN MC(4), HO YY(5), IP HL(5), LO WS(5), FONG PY(4), PUNG PM(6), NG SP(7), CHANG SL(7), LEUNG SM(8), CHAN YK(5), CHAN S(5), YIM KW(5), HO KC(9)
Affiliation :
(1) Central Nursing Division, North Lantau Hospital, (2) Infectious Disease Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital, (3) Hospital Management, North Lantau Hospital, (4) Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital, (5) Hong Kong Infection Control Centre, North Lantau Hospital, (6) The Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital, (7) Infection Control Team, North Lantau Hospital, (8) School of Nursing, Caritas Medical Centre, (9) Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fung Yiu King Hospital
Introduction :
Hong Kong Infection Control Centre (HKICC) is built and specially designed as a designated facility to manage COVID-19 patients in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of HKICC staff are being deployed from 7 clusters hospitals. These staff may come from clinical departments of diverse specialties as well as non-clinical departments. In addition, they may not also receive any training or with any working experience in handling COVID-19 patient in isolation facility. Any non-compliance to infection control practice may post the staff at risk to the exposure of COVID virus. Being as a specially designed designated facility to manage COVID-19 patients, many new Nursing Informatics and IT initiatives had been adopted in HKICC to facilitate daily care. Based on the aforesaid rationale, a systemic training program is required to orientate the staff when deployed to HKICC.
Objectives :
To better prepare for the subsequent wave of COVID outbreak, HKICC Crash Program is specially designed with aims of better equip our nurses with necessary knowledge and skill in managing COVID-19 patients as well as prepare a pool of trained nurses ready for urgent deployment to Hong Kong Infection Control Centre (HKICC) as well as Asia World Expo Community Treatment Facility (AWECTF) in response to COVID-19 pandemic.
Upon completion of the Crash Program, the participants will be able to 1) familiar with the clinical setting and workflow of HKICC and AWECTF. 2) demonstrate competencies in admitting COVID-19 patient, monitoring and managing their disease progress as well as discharging the patients in according to prevailing isolation ordinance. 3) enhance the clinical competency of nurses when perform resuscitation and transferring critically ill COVID patients in Isolation Facility Setting. 4). demonstrate competencies in operating various IT and NI system as well as the equipment used in HKICC.
Methodology :
Various teaching methodology including lecture, scenario-based training, hands-on practice and on-site orientation will be adopted in the program.
Result & Outcome :
From 5 July to 24 November 2021, 13 classes of Crash Program had been conducted for a total of 149 nursing staff including 22 APN, 114 RN and 13 EN from 7 cluster hospitals. With 6-point Likert Scale, all staff rated the program contend was useful to their work at HKICC and were satisfied with the Crash Program as a whole (mean score of 5.64). They also rated the scenario based training on Resuscitation and Interhospital Transfer at a mean score of 5.61 and 5.62 respectively. As Emergency Preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic, HKICC Crash Program will continue to organize 6 more classes in 2022 to prepare a larger pool of staff ready for emergency deployment. In addition, Briefing on Paediatric Advanced Life Support will also incorporate in the program to prepare staff for managing paediatric cases in emergency situation. HKICC Crash Program Project Team also being awarded as North Lantau Hospital Outstanding Team in 2021.
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