Authors (including presenting author) :
Pow MKY(1), Fung VH(1), Leung OKC(1)
Introduction :
Hong Kong Patient Master Index (HKPMI) is a permanent index contains identification and demographic data for patients who have been admitted to or treated by the Hospital Authority (HA). Capturing PMI data (which is unique, accurate, complete & timely update) electronically is essential to link patient’s clinical data across in HA for supporting the continuous patient care.
Through the verified ‘Mother-Baby’ relationship1 in HKPMI, a fast track was developed for HA Go2 minor3 account activation which to empower mother (parent) to manage their baby’s (minor) health.
1‘Mother-Baby’ relationship - established in Patient Administration System (PAS) since 2005 to indicate the relationship between mother and baby by the unique case number.
2HA Go - a one-stop mobile platform to improve patient experience in healthcare journey.
3Minors (
Objectives :
To develop an automatic path for HA Go account activation for baby (minor) based on ‘Mother-baby’ relationship in HKPMI.
To serves as a building blocks for patient identification among various clinical information systems (e.g. HKPMI and PAS) and mobile application (e.g. HA Go).
Methodology :
Under the governance of HA Go Informatics Programme Office and PMI & IPAS User Group, the scope of automatic path for HA Go minor account activation was defined (i) mother (parent) who registered as HA Go full member and delivered baby (minor) at HA hospitals and (ii) baby (minor) who was born at HA hospital (e.g. after year 2005 – the implementation of ‘Mother-Baby’ relationship) with HKBC no. updated in PAS.
When the minor’s information (i.e. HKBC no., Name and Date of Birth) input in HA Go, it would be verified with ‘Mother-baby’ table. Once the verification is completed with resulted as ‘matched’,
the HA Go minor account was activated as HA Go full member automatically.
Result & Outcome :
HA Go minor registration was implemented in Mar 2021. As at 31 Dec 2021, >29,000 minors have been registered to HA Go and ~24,000 (83%) minors have been verified as HA Go full member. Leveraging on ‘Mother-Baby’ table, ~14,000 (58%) minors were identified and verified to complete the HA Go registration via the automatic path.
To support the healthcare demands, mobile application has become an indispensable tool for the healthcare delivery. With the corporate database in HA, the PMI data is the key to collaborate the development of a fast track for HA Go minor onboarding as success.