Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan RWY(1), Kwan HY(2), Ling SO(2), Yim CW(2), Yau A(2), Cheng YF(2), Ng PK(2), Chan BSC(1), Kong ISY(1), Ng BWH(1), Tsui AYY(1), Chau RMW(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Physiotherapy Department, Kowloon Hospital, (2)Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) are associated with recurrent exacerbations as the diseases progress, leading to decline in lung function, exercise capacity and functional mobility while increasing the risk of mortality. In recent years, Whole Body Vibration (WBV) therapy was suggested to be an effective mean for improving functional exercise capacity in patients with CRD. Physiotherapy Practice Guidelines on Pulmonary Rehabilitation issued by PTCOC also recommended using WBV therapy to enhance the effect of exercise training for patients with CRD. WBV therapy may serve as an additional exercise modality to enhance inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation for patients admitted for acute exacerbation.
Objectives :
To investigate the applicability and effectiveness of WBV therapy in patients with acute exacerbation of CRD during hospital stay.
Methodology :
Patients diagnosed with acute exacerbation of CRD admitted to Kowloon Hospital were recruited after assessment of the suitability for WBV therapy. The patients were randomized into two groups: conventional physiotherapy training group(CPT) and conventional physiotherapy training complemented with WBV therapy group(CPTV). Both groups received 45-minute conventional exercise training during hospitalization. For CPTV, an additional 3x2minute per session training on a vibration platform (low amplitude:2mm, frequency: 35Hz [Model: Power Plate Pro7]) was performed under supervision. The patient was instructed to stand in semi-squat position with upper limbs support on handrail with reference to previous study Outcome measures, including functional capacity (6-minute Walk Distance(6MWD)) and muscle strength (30-second sit-to-stand(30sSTS)) were captured at initial assessment and the day before patient discharge from hospital.
Result & Outcome :
Ten patients (mean age=78.4±5.8) were recruited in this study. Eight patients were diagnosed with COPD exacerbation while two were diagnosed with asthma exacerbation. The average length of stay (CPT:8.4±2.9days; CPTV:8.6±1.5days) and training days (CPT:4±1days; CPTV:4±1days) of the 2 groups were comparable. 6MWD increased 33.2m in CPTV while CPT group increased 14m as compare with baseline. In CPTV, the 30sSTS improved 30% but the CPT only showed 8% of improvement as compare with baseline. Both functional capacity and lower limb muscle strength showed obvious improvement in CPTV. Clinical results suggested that by incorporating 3x2minute WBV therapy with convention physiotherapy training is applicable and beneficial to patients with acute exacerbation of CRD during inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation.