It’s all about connecting: How an Integrated Electronic System improves patient safety in the perioperative journey.

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Mok YT(1), Vivian Yuen(1), Law Ngai Wan(1), Wong CH(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Hong Kong Children’s Hospital
Introduction :
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The delivery of safe and patient centered perioperative care involved complex workflow and interactions of multidisciplinary healthcare professions. The use of surgical safety checklist and clear documentation of clinical work is also an essential element of communication and handover to ensure patient safety. The electronic platform can be a tool for integration of complex multi-team workflow which is customized to delivery of safe patient care and clear documentation.
Objectives :
To integrate a complex multi-team workflow in the Clinical Information System (CIS) to enhance safety and facilitate team communication in the perioperative journey.
Methodology :
The Electronic Clinical Information System (CIS) provides 3 Levels of Integration: - 1. Systems: Connecting Hospital Systems (OTMS, CMS, IPMOE) and CIS Transfer of electronic information allow timely, accurate and efficient information exchange with minimal transcription error. 2. Teams: Connecting Anesthetist, Nurses and Surgeons. All professionals are on the same page of information by using the same system for delivery of perioperative care. Nurses and anaesthetists document preoperative assessment and preparation, intraoperative and postoperative care and plan on the same record. The safety checklists are customized to patient’s need and allowed efficient communication between teams. The use of electronic display in OT allows efficient information exchange and provide early alert for critical situation. Moreover, there is no duplication of documentation between teams so as to avoid inaccurate information 3. Stages: Connecting different stages of patient’s perioperative journey The design of the system is customized to Patient’s Journey starting from preoperative, intraoperative to postoperative stages. Embedding workflow in the system also allows delivery of standardized care to patient.
Result & Outcome :
With dedication of clinical teams, CIS with special features including the “Electronic Surgical Safety Checklist”, “Electronic Counting Record”, “Specimen Recording”, “Electronic Blood Loss Record”, “Alert for Massive Bleeding” have been successfully launched for the OT and sedation service at the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital. It is first of her kind to have this integrated system. From Jul 2019 to December 2021, more than 3300 operations were performed at HKCH. The compliance of use of CIS is 100%. From users' feedback, it obviates the need of manual entry and avoids human error, ensure accuracy with enhanced efficiency. It also facilitates the continuum of care. Clinical information system is not only an electronic record system. It is also platform for delivery of patient centered care with team approach.
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