Enhanced Accessibility and Improved Versatility of Patient Discharge Information by Digital Information Prescription in Emergency Departments

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee MM, Lui CT, Lau CL, Lai CH, Tang CT, Chan WL, Cheung CY (1)
Chuang Vivien, Tsui SH (2)
Lee LY (3)
Leung Melissa (4)
Affiliation :
(1) A&E Department, Tin Shui Wai Hospital, NTWC
(2) Central Co-ordination Committee (A&E), Hospital Authority
(3) Integrated Care Services Department, Cluster Services Division, Hospital Authority
(4) A&E Department, North Lantau Hospital, KWC
Introduction :
Majority of the patients attending A&E will be discharged home after consultation and treatment. Post-discharge advice, therefore, plays an important role to establish good communication and message delivery. There was reflection in the Patient Experience and Satisfaction Survey (PESS) about the need for improvement in information prescription for discharged A&E patients.
Objectives :
To provide quality service to patients and their carers after discharge from A&E
Methodology :
In the past, this kind of advice was delivered to patients verbally by the case doctors or discharge nurses. However, the patients or the carers often have difficulties to retain the details. As an initiative of COC A&E, twelve Patient Information Pamphlets (PIP), covering commonly-seen conditions, and one video-clips for pediatric fever management, had been standardized among A&Es in HA. PIPs had been translated to 10 common languages covering ethical minors.
To enhance the accessibility and compliance of information prescription. There are multiple modalities for medical and nursing to prescribe information on discharge.
1. Tele-information prescription – a paperless information prescription through HA Go Apps to patient, with additional beauty of closed-loop when the patient had read-through and accessed the information. Video clips would have further gained value of easier understanding and clearer message delivery.
2. Integration to the A&E e-workflow system (eAED) with embedded feature of information prescription. Doctors could prescribe and nurses would dispense the prescribed PIP to the patients/relatives as printout for patents without mobiles or networks.
3. E-Display Poster – COC A&E had standardized display poster information containing various QR codes for patient to capture with their own mobiles and select the appropriate language version out of the 10 available languages which would particularly benefit for patients of ethical minority groups. In TSWH, a specific e-display kiosk had been setup to provide most updated information.
Result & Outcome :
The Tele-information was adopted for all 18 A&Es of HA since October 2021. E-Display kiosk had been set up in Oct 2021 in TSWH. Together with the corporate eAED system applied in currently 8 out of 18 A&Es, multi-modality discharge information prescription was enabled to cover patients with mobile phones and HA Go, ethical minority group, and patients without mobile/networks. The improved accessibility, diversity, and versatility of prescription methodology would improve the compliance of information prescription, which would improve the communication to patients, better quality of care, and probably reduce patient complaints related to communication gaps. The information prescription model would also be role model of digitally transformed clinical workflows in wards and clinics under the development of smart hospital.
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