Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee KY(1), Chan PF(2), Kwan WK(2), Lau CY(3),Law KY(2), Lo KM(2), Mak KF(2),Mo SY(2)
Affiliation :
1. Community Nursing Service, Kowloon East Cluster
2. Community Nursing Service, United Christian Hospital
3. Community Nursing Service, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
In the fight against the pandemic, it is leading to increasing work anxiety and social distance among colleagues. There are 7 community nursing centers in Kowloon East Cluster, most of physical contacts have been replaced by zoom meetings and lectures, lessen the social networking and information in the traditional events, such as team building, face to face meetings.
Staff could engage in the team and caring culture by publishing e-newsletter as Home Letter, maintain staff morale and cohesion, not boundary of remote centers.
Objectives :
To promote staff engagement, the effective communication
Methodology :
An editorial group was set up for the event of publishing at the 3Q of 2020. In the process to create an e-newsletter which convey as a Home Letter in the workspace, the theme design and photo collections by inviting staff’s contribution.
In the 3Q2020-4Q2021, all the content was discussed through emails, zoom meetings from members. At least one zoom meeting was held to final discuss details in each issuing.
The working group members attributes their ideas and creative ideas to the content of Home Letter, the interaction was increased their morale and satisfaction in the work. The interval to publish discussed among colleagues would be twice per year to increase sustainability.
In addition, the framework of content is related Community nursing work’ trait, staff’ happiness, e.g. give a birth. The introduction of new joined staff incorporate image were put in the first issue of Home Letter, increasing their involvement to work place.
To maximum the attractive of the Home Letter, it includes visualization, infographics and entertaining features, promotes positive working environment, improve staff’s self-esteem and engagement.
Besides, each issue of the letter has promoted in management meeting which includes DOM, NC, WMs and APNs, also announce in fully coverage to all staff in department by email and department webpage.
Result & Outcome :
At the end of 2021, 3 issues were published with positive encouragement by staff feedback and appreciations. Even the social distance policy is still in forced, an alternative communication tools can be replaced our traditional chatting and staff interaction. The life sharing on hobbies, new staff welcome photos strengthen the cohesion among colleagues, through the Home Letter also deliver the message and showcase staff-generated content, also create as a family member sharing with caring culture workspace is important. In the future, the theme and content is ongoing modify, feedback survey will be need to conduct.