Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak CWP (1), Wong MOC (1), Lee SMJ (1), Fong HS (1), Hui L (1), Tam, KW (1), Tsang HH (1), Yau HM (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Community Psychiatric Service, North Direct Hospital
Introduction :
It is important to build up resilience against stress in order to eliminate the negative impact brought by the perceived stress of clients suffering from mental illness. Nagomi pastel-based approach is an established intervention to address the perceived stress and eventually improve the resilience and wellbeing of an individual.
Objectives :
(1) To explore the correlation of Nagomi pastel –based approach, and stress reduction among the clients with mental illness; (2) To empower clients to acknowledge and manage their stress through Nagomi pastel –based approach; (3) To provide a platform to clients for enhancing self-expression and emotional ventilation.
Methodology :
4 face-to-face monthly sessions of standard Nagomi pastel –based approach stress reduction program were provided. Video guiding clips were broadcast in the sessions to ensure consistency of intervention. Pre-test of DASS-21 on stress level will be conducted before the first session, while post-test will be conducted after the last session. On-going verbal feedback will be assessed throughout each session. A questionnaire for post-program evaluation was prepared. Data will be analysis with SPSS version 25 for t-test.
Result & Outcome :
The program was held from September 2021 to December 2021. Total 15 clients were recruited from age 19 to 63, who were diagnosed with mood disorder (e.g. depression disorder, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder). According to data collection until December 2021, total 9 clients completed pre-test and post-test with DASS-21. The mean score in stress level in pretest was 14.44. That in post-test was 7.33. The mean of sub score in stress level of DSAA-21 was dropped nearly 50%, which indicated client’s stress level reduced after program. The final data analysis on all participants is pending and will be completed before March 2022.