Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan KHA(1), Chau MY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Cardiology Division, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
Queen Mary Hospital Cardiology team was the first HA hospital to support the 24/7 PPCI service in Hong Kong since 2012. Over the 10 years’ period, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory (CCL) nurses plays an important role in sustaining the 24 hours PPCI service. With the HAHO support for the implementation of the PPCI service, a comprehensive CCL nurse on-call service and compensation mechanism were developed in order to ensure 24/7 PPCI service be maintained effectively and efficiently. Each year, around 100-140 patients benefited from the service with good recovery.
Objectives :
To review the service and to provide recommendations on maintaining 24/7 on call service for nurses.
Methodology :
A review on the progress on 24/7 PPCI service were reviewed and analysed. Engaged staff were interviewed to provide valuable comment on improvement.
Result & Outcome :
1. The CCL on call service was expanded since 2012 from 6 staff to 11 staff. Number of call was reduced from 10 calls per month to 5-7 calls per month. 2. With the succession of the RAE program on 24/7 PPCI service, the nursing manpower for maintaining the service was sustained. From 2019-now, the implementation of on-site support PPCI service in CCL was extended from 9-5pm to 8-8pm and 2 shifts work (A shift & P shift) was implemented to facilitate the on-site hours which further reduced the overtime working hours from maximum of 200 hours to a limit of 20 hours. 3. With the support from HAHO of implementation of 24/7 PPCI services, the set of nursing manpower indicator and compensation mechanism for nursing participated in the on-call service has been stated. Hence, adequate manpower was essential to ensure number of calls was limit to acceptable and realistic range. 4. Besides, minimize the overtime to an ideal range and allow flexible time off to accommodate the service need is considered. 5. CCL nurses achieved high job satisfaction to participate on the 24/7 PPCI service as it was a life-saving event for patient during acute Myocardial Infarction stage. Conclusion: To develop and maintain a cardiac team for 24/7 PPCI service, particular in limited nursing manpower was not easy at the beginning. Physically and psychosocial stress was faced due to the frequency and timeless on call system. Teamwork spirit and team members’ engagement were important to make impossible to become possible and maintain the sustainability of the service.