Basic Wound Care Management in Primary Health Care Orientation Program for Part-time and New Nursing Staff

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
Introduction :
Wound care was the majority services in General Out-patient Clinics (GOPC). 3-tier Wound Management Model was implemented in Hong Kong East Cluster (HKEC) since 2009. 1st tier wound care service was provided by front-line nurse including part-time and new nursing staff.
Objectives :
Providing basic wound training is essential to standardized the wound care service in GOPC.
Methodology :
A 3-hours Basic Wound Management program was provided to facilitate staff to meet the wound care standard. New nursing staff with less than 1 year working experience in GOPC and all part-time nurses were invited. The course provided the contents in basic wound assessment, management and wound product applications. Timely referral to 2nd tier was also emphasized to speed up the wound healing.
16 questions were designed as a pre and post-test by using clinical photos, aiming to test the wound knowledge on assessment and management. The questions were answered in HKEC GOPC wound assessment form to enhance the familiarize on wound documentation. Besides, 12-questions of staff evaluation survey was designed to see how they satisfaction to the course.
Result & Outcome :
There were 24 participates in Basic Wound Management Program. According to the pre and post-test, 79% of participates had improvement after attending the course and the highest improvement was 31%. The result found that the lowest score in the pre-test had the greatest improvement in post-test. The longer working experience reflected the higher score in pre-test.
According to the course evaluation, more than 90% of participants agreed the course was useful in their daily work. All of the participants agreed the speakers’ presentation were clear and easy understanding. Some of participates preferred to extend the course into two half days due to informative contents.

In conclusion, the Basic Wound Management Course provided a basic concept to the new comers to face with their daily majority work in GOPC and to meet the standard on wound care in HKEC. On the way forward, the course should be continued arrange for the new nursing staff and the Advanced Wound Management Course should be organized to the existing nursing staff to enhance the wound management knowledge and skill in Primary Care setting.
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