Enhancement of Knowledge, Skills and Confidence on Nursing Management of Patients on Portable Ventilator in a Convalescent Hospital

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam KKF(2), Yam KK(1), Law SS(2), Chan TC(1), Ng YMT(2), Wong LCI(2), Luk KHJ(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital. (2) Nursing Department, TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital.
Introduction :
FYKH is an extended-care hospital in Hong Kong West Cluster and it receives patients from Queen Mary Hospital for convalescent care. On average one to two patients required cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) in the medicine and geriatrics wards monthly. All nursing staff have attended basic life support (BLS) training and were provided with additional simulation training on resuscitation skills in 2020. Since 2021, a new portable ventilator (VE300) and an updated guideline on inter-hospital transfer of critically ill patients were in use. Trainings on managing post-resuscitated patients on portable ventilator were imperative for the nursing staff to be familiarized with these new elements.
Objectives :
To enhance the knowledge, skills and confidence of FYKH nursing staff in managing post-resuscitated patients on portable ventilator.
Methodology :
Three identical workshops were carried out in August 2021. In each workshop a brief lecture was first given by a Geriatrician and an advanced practice nurse (APN) on 1)Basic concepts of invasive mechanical ventilation; 2)Basic settings and troubleshooting of VE300; 3)Proper method to secure the endotracheal tube. Then every nurse was engaged in hands-on experience when each had the chance to assemble all components (circuit, capnometer and bacterial/viral filter) and adjust the settings of VE300, and to practice the proper method to secure the endotracheal tube by using tapes on manikins. Pre and post assessment were performed on each participant on two areas: a) knowledge on portable ventilator and airway management (full score 7); b) self-rated confidence level (0 refers to no confidence while 10 refers to maximal confidence).
Result & Outcome :
a) knowledge on portable ventilator and airway management b) self-rated confidence level in managing portal ventilator and airway More than 90% of the FYKH nursing staff have attended the workshops. Knowledge on portable ventilator and airway management showed a significant increase in the score from 4.8±1.9 to 6.6±0.6(p <0.001). The self-rated confidence level significantly increased from 3.8±2.8 to 6.8±2.2(p <0.001). Most participants agreed the knowledge taught was practical and enabled them to apply in the workplace. To conclude, these workshops significantly enhanced the knowledge, skills and confidence of FYKH nursing staff in managing post-resuscitated patients on portable ventilator, empowering them to collaborate with clinicians for holistic management of these patients.
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