Empowerment program of developmental positioning in preterm babies for NICU nurses

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Au KY (1), Chan D(1), Ho WS (1), Leung HL(1), Ng L(1), Ng TYD(1), Chiu GS (1), Lee WM (1).
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
Positioning is one of the core measures of developmental care in premature babies. A good quality of positioning can minimize the NICU environmental stressors in infants to bring a positive effect on physiological and behavioural factors in development. Positioning is a rather subjective measure with inconsistent nursing practice.
Objectives :
(1)To explore the current evidence for ideal positioning and objective assessment tool (2)To develop a standardized and structural teaching program for nurses (3)To introduce the use of validated assessment tool for positioning (4)To enhance knowledge in developmental care of the inexperienced frontline nurses.
Methodology :
A "pre-test" vs "post-test" design and small group education program were employed. Position of preterm infants was assessed by validated IPAT score. Consult physiotherapists to advise on training material in positioning. Outcome measures were (1)staff understanding towards developmental care (2)staff understanding towards position strategies (3)staff confidence level in positioning.
Result & Outcome :
From September to October 2021, 30 participants were recruited.There were 19.2% increase in average IPAT score and 16.8% increase in staff understanding towards developmental care and positioning strategies. Staff confidence level increase from 3.5 to 4 (p<0.05, paired t test).
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