Enhancement project on medication safety in isolation wards

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak HY (1), Chan CM(1), Cheng WY(1), Yao PW(1)
Affiliation :
Department of Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Introduction :
During the COVID-19 pandemic, different clinical workflows were revised to maintain infection control measures and prevent cross transmission especially in Isolation wards. During Administration of Medication (AOM) procedure in Isolation wards, special consideration such as infection control measures and IT connection in IPMOE system. Staff deployed to isolation ward may not be much familiar with AOM workflow in Isolation Ward setting.
Objectives :
To improve staff's awareness on medication safety in Isolation setting.
Methodology :
To promulgate medication safety, one-page AOM workflow in Isolation ward and short video on “Tips for AOM in Isolation ward” were designed & adopted. Ward staff could handle AOM accurately according to workflow instruction. The AOM workflow and video were shared to both Isolation and General wards via different platform. Also, tips of AOM would occur as screen saver in all QEH CMS computers.
Result & Outcome :
More than 93% of nursing staff agree or strongly agree to the project which enhance their alertness on medication safety.
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