With MIRROR, No ERROR – How to Employ a Mirror to Help Stoma Self-Care Patients in the Community Achieve a Quality Life.

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Tang V(1), Wong E(1), Fung ML(2), Liu J(1), Kok YC(1), )Li WH(1), LUI N(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Community Nursing Service of Kowloon Hospital, (2)Occupation Therapy Department of Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Patients undergoing stoma formation have to make major physical and psychological adjustments following the surgery (Connor, 2005). After the formation of a stoma in the hospital, the patients should be discharged to be able to self-care in the community. Patients with a new stoma have concerns relating to the stoma appliance and its potential to leak and smell (Williams, 2007). Therefore, teaching practical stoma-management skills is a critical concern. In the past, a chair and full-length mirror are useful to enable the patient to sit and view their abdomen (Black 2011). However, some elderly patients with a stoma may have difficulties in sitting position to handle the stoma. With the inspiration of iPad stand and holder, as well as the collaboration with the Community Nursing Service (CNS) and Occupational Therapy Department (OT) of Kowloon Hospital, those elderly can self-manage the stoma in a lying position with a mirror.
Objectives :
Tailor-made a mirror and mirror holder with a flexible angle to facilitate rehabilitation of the stoma patient in the community.
Methodology :
- patients discharged from hospital with a stoma will be referred To CNS for continuous care and rehabilitation in the community. - Comprehensive assessment would be performed To ascertain the individual need of patients for stoma care. - patients who have big and folding tummy are found To have difficulties in sitting or standing To operate the stoma. It causes leakage and frequent bag-changing will increase the medical cost and inconvenience. - Collaboration with community OT and design a mirror and mirror holder with a flexible angle that allows patients To lie down To perform the stoma care. - after several adjustments and teaching the stoma care skills, those elderly can perform the stoma by self-care properly.
Result & Outcome :
1. Stoma patients in the community can improve their self-care competence by employing mirror holders with flexible angle 2. It enhances their quality of life:  Physical – patients handle and care for the stoma easier by themselves. It facilitates rehabilitation in the community and patients less rely on care in hospitals.  Psychological – Improve the bag leakage that decrease smelling. Embarrassment could be avoided. In addition, patients feel more positive and more active in participating the medical care in the community  Social – patients with a stoma can live independently. They can go out shopping, meet friends and enjoy a quality life. 3. Since the patients can apply the stoma bag correctly without leakage. Bag changes are reduced to once per three days instead of three times daily. As a result, the costs of stoma bags and accessories can be saved. In conclusion, the MIRROR designed by CNS and OT of Kowloon Hospital can achieve NO ERROR so that self-care patients with a stoma can maintain a better quality of life.
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