Guide Book to Assist New Nurses to Get Familar with ICU Common Equipment & Consumables

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
HO KM (1), POON ST (1),CHEUNG SF (1), YEUNG CK (1), CHU NW (1, PUN MT (1), TSE NL(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Intensive Care Unit , Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
The ICU preceptorship program provides a better learning opportunity for new nurses to develop their confidence and enhance their competency in adapting to the new working environment easily and work independently. During the preceptorship period, preceptors need to introduce a tremendous amount of information about all common used equipment and consumables in ICU to their preceptors.
Under this situation, a Quick Reference Guide is useful in assisting preceptors to introduce all this information about equipment and consumables in ICU to their preceptees. It also facilitates preceptees to identify and retrieve equipment and consumables in the clinical easily.
This Quick Reference Guide is printed in color and designed in pocket size. It categorizes more than 100 equipment and consumables into different systems, such as respiratory, cardiac, renal, neurological etc. Each item is introduced in term of its name, location and function with photos.
Objectives :
1. To introduce all common used equipment and consumables in ICU to new nurses.
2. To assist preceptors in introducing the common equipment and consumables in ICU to preceptees.
3. To facilitate preceptees in identifying and retrieving the common equipment and consumables in ICU.
Methodology :
1. Review all current common used equipment and consumables in ICU.
2. Explore and design a Quick Reference Guide which including all information about the equipment and consumables for new nurses in ICU.
3. Introduce the Quick Reference Guide to all preceptors and preceptees
in the briefing session.
4. Collect questionnaires to evaluate the preceptors’ and preceptees’ satisfaction on whether the Quick Reference Guide provided can assist their learning process effectively.
Result & Outcome :
ICU preceptors & preceptees agreed that the Quick Reference Guide was appropriate in size & it can facilitate them in the teaching and learning process. All ICU preceptors & preceptees agreed that the Quick Reference Guide was appropriate in size & it can facilitate them in the teaching and learning process.
-52% preceptors & 42% preceptees strongly agree for the appropriate size of the pocket Quick Reference Guide
-45% preceptors & 42% preceptees strongly agree for the appropriate size of photos and fonts of the Quick Reference Guide
-52% preceptors & 50% preceptees strongly agree for the quick Reference Guide can facilitate preceptees in reviewing the information easily
-58% preceptors & 50% preceptees strongly agree for the Quick Reference Guide covers almost every commonly used equipment and consumables in ICU
-42% preceptors & 67% preceptees strongly agree for the Quick Reference Guide can facilitate preceptees in retrieving the equipment and consumables easily
-29% preceptors & 41% preceptees strongly agree for the Quick Reference Guide can facilitate preceptors in conducting clinical teaching at the bedside
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