A Pilot Clinical Teaching Program for University Students in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) Department of United Christian Hospital

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Li Y(1), Leung SK(2), Wan OM(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, United Christian Hospital
(2)Nursing Services Division, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Clinical attachment of nursing students from local Universities were arranged to O&G Department periodically. However, without a structural clinical teaching program, students’ exposure and learning would be jeopardized. Moreover, under tight manpower constrains, nursing staff were difficult to fulfil clinical duties and provide mentoring simultaneously. Therefore, a pilot teaching program was designed and coordinated by an experienced midwife under the supervision of KEC midwife consultant.
Objectives :
1)Provide comprehensive concept to student about maternal and baby care throughout the client journey
2)Highlight the autonomy of midwife and the prospect for professional development
3)Arouse students’ interest to join Midwifery training after graduation
Methodology :
A tailor made training program was commenced since November 2021. Students were assigned to visit all O&G units including Out-patient Department, antenatal ward, labour ward and postnatal ward. Case management throughout the client journey from antenatal, delivery, postnatal and neonatal care were explored. Thus, the continuity of maternity care could be demonstrated and better support of mother and neonatal care could be achieved. Moreover, midwife-led clinic such as lactation clinic & midwife clinic were also introduced.
Teaching modality:
1. Pre-assigned topic for student preparation before the placement
2. Guided exposure/ observation in clinical setting
3. Demonstration and return demonstration strengthen the practical skills
4. Simulation of the emergent case enhance student’s critical thinking
5. Group conference for sharing and discussion
A questionnaire was given to the students after two-week placement to evaluate their feedback and satisfaction.
Result & Outcome :
There were 8 groups of University students completed the two-weeks clinical placement from 1 November 2021 to 27 December 2021. Total 46 questionnaires were collected. It showed 100 % satisfaction on the clinical placement and had achieved the placement objectives. 100% showed the clinical attachment were practical and able to arouse their interest to join in Midwifery after graduation. Interestingly, all the male students are interest to apply the midwifery training.

The Pilot Clinical Teaching Program had enhanced student’s knowledge on perinatal maternal care, normal vaginal delivery and baby care. On top of usual clinical attachment, this program allows group discussion and sharing with clinical teacher which create learning opportunities and clarify the uncertainty. Further strengthening of clinical teaching in O&G Department were highly indicated.
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