Transformation of Lifestyle Redesign Group in Occupational Therapy: from Tele-based to Hybrid-mode for Ambulatory Psychiatric Patients

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Choi WY, Chow TL, Fung HT, Wong HN, Wong KP
Affiliation :
Occupational Therapy Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Regarding the suspension of Psychiatric Day Hospital (PDH) under COVID-19, a new era of tele-health service is inescapably devoured to provide continuity of care for home-leave patients of PDH. Impacts of social distancing are undoubtedly affecting patients’ quality of life. With a proliferating focus on overall well-being of psychiatric patients, tailor-made lifestyle redesign groups (LSRD) were implemented under online tele-mode by the Occupational Therapy department, PYNEH. In addition, despite the gradual resumption of PDH service in the later phase, some of the day patients were still under home-leave status. Hybrid mode programs were hence designed to provide programs for both on-site and home-leave PDH patients.
Objectives :
1. To transform lifestyle redesign group (LSRD) from face-to-face to tele-based and hybrid mode respectively 2. To evaluate the effectiveness and patients’ satisfaction on adapted LSRD
Methodology :
Two evidence-based group programs, “5 Ways to Well-being” (5-ways) group and “Love-living” group were revised and adapted from conventional face-to-face mode to tele-based and hybrid mode by May-June 2021 and September 2021 respectively. In view of the nature of virtual groups, group activities were modified and tailored accordingly to accentuate social interaction via online media. The transformation increased the varieties of activities while supplementing with psychoeducation, focused on the importance of balanced and healthy lifestyle. To prepare patients with the new mode of intervention, pre-training regarding the use of electrical devices (such as smart-phone) and communication apps (ZOOM) were done. Pre-group home visits were arranged to ensure the readiness of patients and forward of group materials. 9 patients were recruited to the tele-group “5-ways”, while 23 patients were recruited to the hybrid group “Love Living” with 5 home-leave and 18 on-site patients respectively. A total of 19 Sessions were held with 138 total attendance. To evaluate the effectiveness and collect feedback from participants, pre- and post- standardized assessments and a survey were conducted.
Result & Outcome :
The average scores of WHO-5 and SOFAS of the participants increased from 17.7 to 20.9 and 66.3 to 74.4 respectively after the program “5-ways”, suggesting that the program helped improving patients’ overall mental wellbeing. Qualitative survey was also conducted to collect feedback after the 2 groups. From the result, over 95% of the participants were satisfied with the programs. The majority of them agreed that the program could facilitate socialization with co-patients and staff, exploration of new interests and hobbies, and development of a healthier lifestyle. Some also appreciated the wrap up session of the programs, which helped them summarize their learnings. Regarding the activities they wished to join in the future, the top 3 areas receiving the highest votes were Lifestyle Redesign Group, Exercise Program, and Art & Craft Group. Patients also expressed that they would like to learn more about physical health such as diet, sleep, and exercise. Given the improvement in the participants’ mental wellbeing shown in the evaluation and the positive feedback received, continued development of tele-based and hybrid Lifestyle Redesign Program is suggested.
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