Authors (including presenting author) :
Chui KH(1), Chan KY(1), Chung PL(1), Yu SY(1), Au Yeung MY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, PYNEH
Introduction :
Medical innovations facilitate different types of advanced ventilatory equipment applying in our Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PNICU) nowadays. Their complexities require nurses’ competency to ensure positive patient outcomes and promote safety. Interviews with frontline nurses revealed unconfident in ventilator-associated care induced low job satisfaction. Besides, most nurses supported mobile learning via smartphones could enhance learning efficiency and knowledge retention, especially in COVID-19 pandemic where online learning is more preferable. Thus, a training program with videos and cue cards was developed in 2020. Training materials were sent to nurses’ smartphones, allowing self-directed learning at individual’s pace.
Objectives :
1.To enhance nurses’ knowledge and competency on operating 10 types of ventilatory equipment
2.To promote nurses’ job satisfaction through confidence enhancement
Methodology :
Training program was implemented between March 2020 to March 2021. Face to face unstructured interviews with nurses were conducted to identify their difficulties in work and learning style. Pre and post survey design was adopted to measure their competency and confidence on application of 10 ventilatory equipment. In between the surveys, training Videos and cue cards for 10 ventilatory equipment were tailor-made and distributed to nurses’ smartphones for self-directed learning. Competency assessment for each ventilatory equipment was conducted through return demonstration and 10 minutes question-and-answer session.
Result & Outcome :
Total 34 nurses participated in training program with 14 (34%) of them less than 5 years of PNICU experience. Pre-survey showed nurses had least competency and confidence in handling Nitric Oxide equipment and transport ventilator among the 10 types of ventilatory equipment. After self-directed mobile learning and assessment, nurses' confidence in operating Nitric Oxide equipment and transport ventilator was increased from 22.6% to 73.6% and 22.6% to 88.2%respectively. The competency assessment identified 34 nurses (100%) were able to setup the 10 types of ventilatory equipment within time limits and passed the question-and –answer session. Overall, 33 nurses (97.1%) expressed increased competency and confidence in caring ventilated children in the post-survey.
Mobile learning is beneficial for nurses’ self-directed learning as shown by marked improvement in nurses’ knowledge and competency on application of 10 ventilatory equipment. Enhanced nurses’ confidence in their clinical practice has a positive correlation to job satisfaction. Therefore, mobile learning should be promoted as future training modality. Moreover, nurses' competency review would be performed regularly to reinforce knowledge and skill retention.