Authors (including presenting author) :
Mok WK(1),Lam SH (1), Yip LW(1)
Affiliation :
Department of Medicine, YCH
Introduction :
Nurses always encounter huge challenges in their daily work, including increasingly complexity of nursing practice, expanding range of using technology and roles in nursing procedures. Besides, nurses uphold the ward management such as inventory and logistic arrangement. Such routine checking seems to be a time-consuming and awkward work needed to be performed over “half-day” duty. Commonly, the equipment was reporting “not found” as it was sent for repair and its location without proper documentation.
Objectives :
eWB-ICS is a mini data bank of ward inventory installed into a mobile device. It aims to facilitate a simple, effective and non-annoying work for the inventory searching at anytime and anywhere. eWB-ICS aims to: 1. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the checking process, simplify the checking system by using bar code scanning. 2. To reduce the chance of equipment loss and better control of inventory items in ward by early detection
Methodology :
Digitization of equipment and inventory inspection system aims to simplify the workflow to determine the choice of building system platform. Each asset has its unique asset number. The equipment database was retrieved from Supplies Department and Information Technology Department. Such information was established and stored in CLOUD. The unique barcode label information was generated and posted at standardized location of the equipment for easy scanning.
Result & Outcome :
Since April 2019, the new checking system was highly accepted and appreciated by ward staff. Comparing with the traditional method, the feedback was 100% accepted the system except the frequency checking, the mean scores are as follows: Easy to use at 92.5% Reduce time for inventory checking is 75% Minimize human error at 90% Increase checking frequency at 82.5%. In conclusion, the changes have highlighted the use of technology to advance work process, save time and minimize unnecessary human error.