An Improved Approach to Enhance Competency of Fresh Graduate Nurses 2020 with Exemption of Clinical Placement Hours under the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak in BBH, SCH & SH

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lui KH(1), Lo WH(2), Wan YMQ(1), Wong KWA(1), Kwok MLA(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Central Nursing Division, Bradbury Hospice, Cheshire Home, Shatin and Shatin Hospital
(2) Department of Psychiatry, Bradbury Hospice, Cheshire Home, Shatin and Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Fresh graduate nurses (FGNs) 2020 in BBH, SCH & SH had entered into nursing workforce with varied clinical experience due to an 20% exemption of pre-registration onsite clinical placement hours under the impact of COVID-19 outbreak. Clinical preceptors (CPs) had a role to provide support FGNs for new nurse transition into safe practice and there would be unique challenges and arduous encountered by CPs during this unprecedented time.
Objectives :
Optimizing the implementation of clinical teaching and coaching for 2020 FGNs will provide structural intervention to bridge the gap of varied clinical competence of FGNs, best support transition & enhancing clinical supervision and competency of FGNs in BBH, SCH & SH from August 2020 to August 2021.
Methodology :
An improved approach is a structured way of enhancing competency for FGNs 2020 in BBH, SCH & SH. The implementation including (1) FGNs with slow uptake had been identified through direct observation and feedback as FGNs with difficult transitioning from nurse learner to registered nurse role, including but not limited to weak performance in clinical skills and management of patient care, ineffective time management and prioritization skills, lack of critical thinking skills and poor relationships with peers. (2) FGNs were counseled privately by CPs to identify their professional needs & establish individual learning objectives and critique on their performance. (3) CPs established a virtual platform by an electronic messenger group to provide additional psychosocial support & discuss concerns or ask questions among FGNs and CPs. (4) CPs had closely communicated with nurse manager to increase duty match between FGNs & CPs and raised frequency of visit to FGNs with slow uptake for supplementary clinical teaching and coaching whenever required. (5) CPs convey the progress of FGNs toward nurse managers and Central Nursing Division (CND) where ongoing advice is sought. (6) Joint clinical coaching and assessment with ward mentor or supervisor had conducted to FGNs with slow uptake to make improvements and promote progress whenever necessary.
Result & Outcome :
All 2020 fresh graduate registered nurses in BBH, SCH & SH had taken up their professional role effectively and had feedback competent from ward supervisor within first 3-9 months and the FGNs attrition had been zero within first 12 months.
An improved approach for fresh graduate nurses 2020 with exemption of clinical placement hours under the impact of COVID-19 outbreak in BBH, SCH & SH exemplify best practice on precepting collaboration between CND and clinical departments to enhance clinical supervision & competency and also reduce attrition of fresh graduate nurses.
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