Enhancement project on clinical handover using new and standardized alert cards

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Law KY(1),Yeung ST(2),Leung YC(1),Fan LY(2),Hung MK(2),Lai YK(3), Law YL(5), Yuen YL(2)
Affiliation :
(1)CND, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital, (2)M&G, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital, (3)Palliative Care, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital, (5)Surgical, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
Introduction :
Clinical handover is an important nursing procedure. Clinical handover occurs every day at the time of the shift change-over or start of shift,intra-hospital, and inter-hospital patient transfer. The goal of handover is to ensure accurate and reliable communication of current information of a patient’s care across shift change or between team, so as to maintain continuity of safe and effective patient care. Huge amount of different kinds of patient information will be transferred in nursing handover. Clinical risks and alerts, not limit to drug allergy, infection control precautions, high fall risk or pressure injury risk, would be emphasized.
To introduce the background of the patients during handover, different wards use different alert cards assigned to patients’ medical record folder to emphasize the patient’s risk and alerts, for example allergy, fall, pressure injury, DNACPR, missing, suicide, bleeding risk. The alert cards usually located in nursing station, which is not easily accessed during bedside nursing handover.
Objectives :
To promote effective clinical handover and to facilitate intrahospital nursing handover by all clinical staff with the use of the new and standardized eye-catching alert cards properly, which is easily accessed in medical record trolley and update the medical record instantly during ward round.
Methodology :
1.Consult different ward staff for new alert cards content.
2.Standardize the alert cards.
3.Promote staff to insert the corresponding alert cards into cards holder at the front page of patient medical record.
4.Place the alert cards in medical trolley to access easily for instant update.
Result & Outcome :
Evaluation on the usage of alert cards Date of survey: Mid of July to early of Aug 2020 Scope of the survey: All clinical wards Sample: All in-patient folder Result: 89% in-patient folder was assigned alert cards while 11% was not applicable for using alert cards Sample size: 5 cases in each ward Method: Random sampling Result: 100% compliance Conclusion 1.The alert cards were used in handover with 100% compliance when applicable. 2. Over 80% staff agree usage of alert cards is simple and effective to enhance the communication and increase the awareness of patient risks.
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